[Qoo Guide] Getting Started in 23/7 Twenty Three Seven


Pachinko maker Fujishoji CO.,LTD. has joined hands with Kadokawa to make their first mobile game ever, 23/7 Twenty Three Seven (23/7 トゥエンティ スリー セブン). The game has been in production for over 2 years and is now finally released. The producers have spared no efforts into making the game as good as it can be, enlisting notable illustrators, including Nagi (Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur) and lack (Fate/Grand Order), as well as popular voice actors, like the Uchida sibling, for 23/7 Twenty Three Seven.



The number “9” disappeared from every clock one day.
That was a day with 23 hours, but no one ever noticed.
In this world, 12 dimensions each control a number on the clock. Every dimension has a guardian called Clocker, to control time. The fight between clockers has no end.

Hikari, an ordinary high school student in Tokyo, is suddenly caught up in a battle.
He is captured, and he knows the secret of “9 o’clock”.
He is going to protect this world and save the time, the number, that people have lost.

This page is dedicated to 23/7 Twenty Three Seven. Links to new Guides will be added to this article when released. Bind Account Guide at the very bottom.

Combat System

First Summons

Like most mobile RPG with gacha elements, the first summon is important if you want an easy start. Before going into some of the recommended characters to start the game with, here’s a rundown on how your reset marathon will look on an unrooted device.

When starting the game, players will immediately start with 5 summons. It is possible to get a 5-star character from this pool. If you don’t get a 5-star character here, then simply uninstall and reinstall the game and try again. Of course, you can always try your luck with the pre-registration reward gems, but getting a 5-star character in the initial 5x summon before moving on is the fastest and most efficient way, imo. If you do get a 5-star character, then proceed to the game until you claim the pre-registration rewards and try your luck in the Launch gacha pool. If you get a character you want, remember to bind your account! If you don’t simply uninstall and reinstall.

Now to starting characters. Below are a few recommended starting characters.

Arthur (アーサー)


In Charge Mode, Arthur can buff the Attack and Defence of all allies. This allows greater damage output overall.

Captain Kidd (キャプテンキッド)


Despite having relatively low Hp and no skills during Accelerator Mode, Captain Kidd shines in Charge Mode, Raising the Attack and Speed of Fire-type allies. Additionally, She deals massive single target damage during Bullet Time.

Robin Hood (ロビンフッド)


Great Damage output. During Charge Mode, applies buff on self, increasing Water Damage, Crit. Rate, and Fire Resist. Damages all enemies during Bullet Time.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru (足利義輝)


During Charge Mode, Greatly Raises the attack of allies. AoE Damage Dealing Support Skill allows opens a slot for your main team to have support characters during Raids and Boss Battles.

Napoleon (ナポレオン)


Not exactly the heaviest hitter, but Napoleon can apply speed buff on all allies in Charge Mode or as a Support. In Accelerator Mode she can also attack all enemies.

Phantom (ファントム)


Apply Attack and Defence Debuff on enemies during Charge Mode. Removes Buffs on Enemies during Bullet Time.

Bind Account

18032010544211▲Open Menu on Top Right


18032010545039▲Minimum of 8 characters with alphabets and numbers

18032010545212▲Tap the Blue button to Copy your Bind Account info. Send to your new device if you want to transfer your account.

Transfer Account


18032011114369▲ There is a chance that the code will not work if there is an existing account already loaded to the game’s client. Simply try transferring again after a fresh reinstall.

Links to more Guides will be added to this article as they are released! Alternatively, stay tuned to the latest 23/7 guides and news here!

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