Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Coming to PS5 Exclusively in Winter 2023


Square Enix continued its celebration of the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy VII today with a Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary Celebration stream. In this stream, it was announced that the second remake title that retells the story of Final Fantasy VII will be getting a new entry, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second story in the Final Fantasy VII remake series which tells the story of the iconic fantasy game that redefined the RPG genre, in three distinct games. It is slated to launch next Winter for PS5 exclusively. (Most likely a timed one, as the first game stayed exclusive to PS4 for about a year.)

The developers stated that the game is being designed so that people can enjoy this game whether they know the original game or not. Cloud and his friends embark on a new journey in this game, and I believe that the scenes that they witness after leaving Midgar will give players a fresh, new experience.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth – First Look Trailer

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