The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory finally hits the game store in Japan after announcing back in 2020. The mobile RPG takes the player through an engaging original story with real-time 3D magic combat. Currently, as of writing, the game features a limited gacha that includes summer-themed character cards to pull from. This tier list will comprehensively cover all the pros and cons of each 4-star character from both the normal and limited gacha and will go over the strength of each character.
The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory differentiates the cards pulled respectively as Unit Cards and Assist Cards. Here on this The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory Tier List, we’ll be covering the former specifically as they dictate the elements, active skills, ultimate, and stats of the unit in combat. Keep in mind that the free 10-pull gacha after completing the tutorial can be rerolled as many times as you like, so it’s highly recommended to pull a solid 4-star unit of your liking to make headway with progression.
The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory Tier List
★4 Shiba Miyuki (Uniform IV)
Miyuki is a Blue Support archetype character that uses magic as a damage source. As a support unit, Miyuki’s active skill allows her to deal with blue magic damage and heal a member of the team with the lowest health. Her EX passive, upon unlocking via upgrade, provides a versatile critical magic damage buff that lasts 7 seconds that is applied to the character with the highest magic attack every 20 seconds.

Pros: Her strength comes in the fact that she is a jack-of-all-trades, being able to attack, heal and provide buffs to the team as a single unit. On top of this, her Ultimate Arts (UA) is a single target damage dealer that doubles as a party-wide defense buff that increases resistance against Technique (tech) damage. Miyuki is an excellent team member that can fill the support role, all the while dealing damage and providing defense for the tank unit. It also helps that many of the enemy variants at the beginning of the game are weak to blue damage, making her a great early investment and top of this The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory Tier List.
Cons: Although Miyuki can do all of the above features, her weakness ultimately comes from the fact that she is a master of none. It’s true that her damage output is relatively high for a supporter, but she lacks any means to buff her damage in any way. Another problem she has is the fact that the healing effect on her active skill can only proc when she has at least 30 Psycheon Charge (PS). This can cause a situation where you may not have enough PS stocked up on Miyuki for her to cast a heal at a crucial moment if you weren’t casting enough as her.
★4 Mitsui Honoka (Uniform IV)
Honoka mainly finds the most use in having her mitigate incoming tech damage as the tank of a party. As a green tank archetype, Honoka’s active skill allows her to inflict a tech defense down debuff on a single target as well. Her EX passive further improves her effectiveness as a tank, boosting her chance to dodge both magic and tech attacks by 5 points.

Pros: Not only does she have the stats to take hits, but Honoka’s UA can also provide a tech damage defense boost for the entire team on top of healing herself. Being able to tank substantial damage while healing off of her ult allows her to stay in battles even in drawn-out fights, without relying on a dedicated healer. Since her active skill lowers the tech defense of enemies, it’s recommended to put Honoka in a tech damage-orientated party. The tech defense lowering effect on her active skill also allows her to contribute to the overall DPS of the team.
Cons: All of what was mentioned above means Honoka can take tech damage blows with no problem. But it also means that she has trouble dealing with an enemy that can throw magic at her. Since all of her skills are centered around tech damage dealing/mitigation, Honoka is the best fit for her role as a tech tank and nothing else as none of her skills provide any advantages to magic users in The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory.
★4 Angelina (Uniform IV)
Angelina is a yellow magic attacker that focuses on dealing as much magic damage as possible by buffing herself with her active skill that boosts her magic attack by 150 points for 9 seconds. You can deal massive amounts of damage by using her Ultimate Arts in conjunction with her Psycheon Charge effect of boosting her already devastating UA by an additional 300 points by spending 30 PS. Angelina gains 10 PS on every cast of her active skill.

Pros: Angelina’s kit is almost all focused on her ability to buff her already high magic attack stats as well as giving her a respectable amount of magic crit to boot, allowing her to, with the right card units and opportunity, dish out some of the highest numbers in terms of single target damage done in the game. As both stats are being accounted for her to deal consistent firepower, Angelina also benefits from the fact that she’s not too picky about who comes along with her as teammates, as she can more than enough to cover for the lack of damage dealers in the team.
Cons: While Angelina CAN deal tons of damage with her UA, it does come at the cost of her UA gauge being slower to recover than other attacker options. Due to this, she can struggle in situations where there are enemies with high HP that are not weak to yellow attacks where she can’t consistently charge up her UA. As a way to remedy this, Angelina’s 1-star variant comes with an active skill that gives her 10 points to her UA gauge on hit which can help her out on this aspect. This does come with the caveat that this card unit can only be acquired when you hit episode 12 in the main story of The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory which is, admittedly, a long way to go especially if you’re just starting out.
★4 Ichijou Masaki (Uniform IV)
Masaki is a yellow tech attacker that makes the most out of his damage output by giving himself buffs revolving around critical hits. As an attacker, Masaki is able to increase his crit chance by 5% by default with his passive and can improve his chances further by triggering his unit passive which uses 30 PS Charge to boost his critical chance by 8 points for tech damage. His UA is a single-target nuke that has a bonus effect where its damage is further amplified if his opponent is weak to yellow damage.

Pros: Masaki is an overall straightforward DPS unit all things considered, more so with the fact that his active and passive skills are centered around the exact same thing, more crits. This means that when put into a team, Ichijou doesn’t have to rely too much on the support in the team to help him out with keeping his damage numbers high.
Cons: More than the other 4-star units on this The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory Tier List, Ichijou is a unit that is stuck in his role, in that his UA requires his enemies to be weak to his own element. This can limit the number of encounters he can thrive at down to enemies weak to yellow that have a low resistance to tech damage. His passive skills are also laser-focused on amplifying his damage and crit, leaving no room for any passive that gives him defensive bonuses.
★4 Saegusa Kasumi (Uniform IV)
Kasumi is a green magic attacker role that brings versatility to the table and boasts a high DPS thanks to her passive and PS-related mechanics.

Pros: Her active skill, outside of just dealing damage and inflicting the jammed status effect, has the unique ability to forcibly shift its target towards the support role unit in the enemy team at the cost of spending PS. This comes in handy as the support roles tend to be the healers/buffers in enemy teams and are usually the last enemy to be prioritized by your characters.
By spending PS, Kasumi can bypass the usual tank priority and snipe away at the pesky healer in the pack. She also has a very little problem generating UA due to her considerably fast PP regeneration stats and passives, and upon activating her UA, she can further cash in her built PS charges by increasing the damage of her ult by 350 points.
Due to the fact that all she needs to do is have enough PS, Kasumi can still do considerable amounts of damage against enemies that are not even weak to her green color damage, further improving her role as a versatile DPS that can fit in many team comps in The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory.
Cons: Much of the same criticisms apply to Kasumi in the same way as any other all-rounder type, in that she does not excel at one particular role in a team. Especially in terms of damage, though she may have passives and PS abilities that supplement things like her recharge times for her UA and PP, Kasumi lacks simple damage multipliers that would push her damage further when against enemies that are weak to her color.
★4 Shiba Tatsuya (Uniform IV)
Everyone’s favorite onii-sama, Tatsuya is a blue magic attacker that can buff, attack, and disable all in one. As part of his character attribute shared between all Tatsuya cards, he is able to revive himself from fatal damage once per battle. His UA has yet another unique attribute in that by spending 40 PS charges, he can also disable a buff off of an enemy.

Pros: As the game currently features no other 4-star blue attacker in the normal gacha roster, Tatsuya is the best option for dealing with enemies weak to blue whether they’re weak to magic or tech. Since the other option, Mayumi’s swimsuit alt is behind the limited gacha, Onii-sama sits in a unique position as the one blue DPS role that can be re-rolled in the gacha after the tutorial. It’s worth noting that the early stages and encounters in the game feature enemies that are weak to blue damage too.
Cons: Tatsuya is an overall versatile unit that can do many things, but may fall short in comparison to other more focussed characters in terms of each aspect such as damage and disabling enemies. Arguably his unique passive to revive himself can be mentioned as a con, as unlike the other attackers on the list, he does not contribute directly to him dealing more damage as the DPS of a team comp.
★4 Chiba Erika (Uniform IV)
Erika is a tech damage-dealing red attacker and the only one in the game as of writing. Erika’s selling point doesn’t just end there, as her kit revolves around gaining PS charges every time she uses her active skill, which then directly speeds up her already fast UA gauge recovery to throw out her single target nuke UA at enemies as fast as possible.

Pros: Even in comparison to her fellow attacker archetypes, Erika has an exceptionally high UA recovery rate of 135 (for comparison, Tatsuya has a 110). This combined with her active PS ability allows Erika to keep snowballing the rate at which she regains her ult. At around level 15, Erika’s stats in UA recovery spike, and she ends up being able to use her ult twice over before her teammates can get theirs.
Cons: Since her skill set is focused on spamming her UA, Erika on her own lacks any means to buff herself damage-wise and offers no defensive skills to protect from hits. Additionally, her stats in PP recovery are set relatively low for an attacker, and she can have trouble maintaining her PS charge due to the high cost of her active skill (3 PP cost) without the help of assist cards and setting other unit cards on to her. A relatively easy way to remedy some of her lacking stats is to set her 3-star card which gives Erika an easy-to-spam green tech attack that lowers the enemies’ defenses at the cost of just 1 PP.
★4 Shibata Mizuki (Uniform IV)
Mizuki is a red support unit that employs magic damage. Her active skill is a single target attack that has the unique attribute of healing an ally with the lowest HP specifically when the enemy team has a unit that’s weak to red damage.
Her main selling point comes in her Ultimate Arts, which gives a buff to both magic attack and defense that lasts for 25 seconds, as well as providing a 5% mitigation to incoming magic damage which lasts for 20 seconds if she spends 30 PS Charge. Her EX and character passive skills both provide an extra boost to the Reloaded Gauge in combat and allows the party member to hit Reloaded Mode quicker than other team comps to wail on particularly tough foes.

Pros: Whereas a support unit like Miyuki was centered around healing, Mizuki’s strength comes in the form of buffing the entire team and keeping incoming magic damage on the lower end. She also has a relatively high PP healing stat, meaning she can spam her active skills much more than other support units, allowing her to heal allies quickly if the enemy happens to be weak to red damage. The EX passive giving a permanent boost to Reloaded Gauge is also a nice touch as activating Reloaded Mode quicker can allow for faster clears on harder bosses.
Cons: Though her Ultimate Arts provides a damage mitigation buff, the percentage is only a 5% reduction, which can feel almost inconsequential if the damage number your party is taking isn’t high, to begin with, especially without the help of acquiring dupes of herself and upgrading her UA. Her active skill and its ability to heal comes at the cost of being situational as the healing effect only triggers if the enemy meets the requirement of being weak to red damage. This means that you would have to be careful of what fights you’re bringing Mizuki to, should you want her to heal your teammates.
★4 Saegusa Mayumi (Uniform IV)
Mayumi’s 4-star card has her in the role of a blue magic tank. Although technically classified as a magic tank, her strength comes in her ability to tank both damage types equally well. Having an almost equaled-out stat distribution in magic defense and tech defense, Mayumi’s passives and UA revolve around being the jack-of-all-trades of the tank archetype, not having to choose who to go up against as much as the more specialized units in the game.

Pros: On top of being able to sustain damage from the two damage types, Mayumi’s UA has the additional ability to lower the magic AND tech damage output of an enemy just how she likes. This can come in handy in almost all situations together with her active skill that lowers magic damage as well. To top it all off, by unlocking her EX passive skill through upgrades, she gains a boost to her PP regeneration, allowing her to spam her debuffs on enemies and charge her PS faster.
Cons: Having debuff skills as a tank, Mayumi relies mainly on being able to get her active skills and UA effects off to help mitigate the hits she takes, since she lacks skills that buff up her tankiness. For obvious reasons, since her stats are spread thin in both magic and tech defense, she falls short in comparison to other tanks in this The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory Tier List that has a more focused kit for either damage type.
★4 Saegusa Izumi (Uniform IV)
The last of the Saegusa sisters, Izumi is a green support unit that deals tech damage. As a support, she offers the team boosts in PP gain to allow herself as well as her allies the ability to spam their active skills and ultimately increase the overall DPS of the team. As of writing, Izumi is the only 4-star unit that can buff PP gain.

Pros: Izumi herself has a character passive that gives her a chance to gain extra points of PP every time anyone on the team uses a skill. This passive synergizes well with her active skill which can spend 40 PS charges to cast a party-wide PP boost that lasts for 19 seconds. Combine this all with her own ult, which upon striking an enemy weak to green damage instantly gives her 10 points of PS. This allows Izumi to cycle through her skills and UA and regenerates the necessary PP to spam her buffs.
Cons: Izumi herself prefers staying in the backline of combat, as her damage output even with her cycling through her active skills and UA, is on the weaker end. Unlike her older twin sister, Izumi’s kit is all focused on support and nothing else so don’t expect her to deal the final blow in combat.
★4 Shiba Miyuki (Swimsuit ‘22)
Miyuki’s swimsuit attire changes her class to a blue magic tank unit that specializes in taking nothing but magic as an indestructible shield for the rest of the team. Her kit reflects this as everything from her UA, active magic skill and passives all revolve around increasing her own survivability against magic damage. Noteworthy is her active skill that provides a 115-point magic defense that lasts for 18 seconds that can be stacked, to give her a whopping 230 defense boost.

Pros: Even as a tank, Miyuki still carries a bit of that supportive mentality, as her UA lowers the magic damage done by an enemy. This ult also prioritizes attacker roles over others in the enemy team to help guarantee she’s disabling the right one to debuff. Her active skill also provides a generous amount of damage mitigation, where when Miyuki’s health is above 75%, she can negate 15% of any incoming damage dealt to her for 10 seconds upon cast. This all combines into making the swimsuit Miyuki one of the best magic tanks in the game by raw numbers, allowing her to take what would be fatal blows without breaking a sweat.
Cons: All of these defensive skills can be excessive on normal maps, as the enemies there simply cannot deal high enough damage to pose a meaningful threat to Miyuki if she gets off all of her buffs and debuffs. This isn’t so much a con as it is to mean that Miyuki is more suited for use in more advanced combat encounters such as the Arena and event quests where such a strong shield is necessary to beat the odds.
★4 Saegusa Mayumi (Swimsuit ‘22)
Mayumi’s swimsuit alt turns her into a blue magic attacker, who has access to an AOE Ultimate Arts as well as having her active skill Ice Needle that can generate PS without the need of undergoing special conditions. Though the UA’s AOE property requires her to spend PS, her active skill gives her a consistent method to generate the needed charge of 50.

Pros: Currently as of writing, the game does not feature any other character unit that can deal AOE damage. This alone makes Mayumi stand out from the other attackers, as she can deal damage to back row support enemies without relying on niche skill attributes like Kasumi. Additionally, should you have Mayumi’s other 4-star card in your account, you can set this card’s active skill, Ice Needle, on to that version of her and use its PS recovering attributes to improve that card.
Cons: Mayumi’s AOE UA comes at the cost of doing relatively less damage per enemy than the single target variants, and in situations where groups of enemies are small, her effectiveness can fall short. In situations like these, Tatsuya is a better candidate simply due to the fact that his UA targets one enemy and hits significantly harder.
★4 Saijou Leonhard (Uniform IV)
Leo is a yellow tech Tank unit that boasts high HP as well as high tech defense. As a tank, his strength lies in the fact that all of his passive skills excluding his EX Passive revolve around boosting his already high HP and tech Defense but also covering his magic defense as well. This applies to his Ultimate Arts as well, as it further increases Leo’s tech resistance by an additional 150 points for 12 seconds by spending 20 PS Charge, which he gains by taking hits.

Pros: As part of using Leo, it is advised to go through the story mode, up to chapter 4 where you can pick up the 1-Star version of Leo and set this card as the active magic skill for 4-Star Leo to use. This will allow Leo to use that card’s active skill, Fortification, which increases the user’s tech defense by 65 points at the cost of inflicting the jammed status effect.
Though this may sound detrimental to Leo as it stops him from using his skills and UA, the defense buff given makes him almost unkillable. As the game mechanics make it so that the tank is always prioritized by the enemy, keeping Leo alive essentially better improves his role as a defender since the enemies quite literally have to get through him to get to your teammates.
Cons: Leo’s own active magic skill Siegfried also doubles as a defensive buff when he has more than 20 PS Charge in him. Since the way Leo charges PS is by taking hits and regenerating on every 15th hit he takes, the best way to use him is in more drawn-out combat situations where he can cast Siegfried multiple times to keep buffing his defense. This in turn means that Leo struggles to take blows in faster-paced encounters that might throw him into a boss fight without some waves of enemies for him to charge up his PS.
★4 Yoshida Mikihiko (Uniform IV)
Mikihiko is a red tech damage tank that also can take on the role of support to some degree with his ability to inflict the Jammed status effect on enemies with his Ultimate Arts.

Pros: Mikihiko is unique in that his passive extends the time of any status effect inflicted on enemies while he’s around. Combining this with other active skills put on him, Mikihiko is able to fulfill the tank roll by shutting down the enemy before they can strike. Just by putting together the 1 & 2-star units of himself, Mikihiko can throw out three different jamming abilities including his own UA. Jamming magic also does more damage to the break gauge of bosses as well.
Cons: Although Mikihiko can cause status effects to shred the break gauge of bosses, he alone may not be able to do enough damage to take down a full meter. This means that a party including Mikihiko would have to have an attacker or support that can also inflict status effects to help out with the damage output. As for his capabilities as a tank, this card on its own does not provide Mikihiko with any means to boost his HP or magic defense.
★4 Kitayama Shizuku (Uniform IV)
Shizuku is a green tech attacker that buffs herself to boost her own stats. With her kit buffing her damage, accuracy, and PP recovery, Shizuku doesn’t need to rely on other cards and support units to give her as much to dish out tons of damage.

Pros: One of Shizuku’s unit passive reduces the cost of her own active magic skill by 2 PP which more or less increases her DPS after triggering itself. This in turn means that Shizuku is able to spam her magic abilities much faster than other attackers. Outside of her expertise, Shizuku can buff the entire party’s accuracy stat as well. As there aren’t many characters that can even buff accuracy in the current game, Shizuku is a valuable asset to most teams due to her ability to boost the overall DPS of a team.
Cons: Shizuku’s passive that reduces PP cost carries a problem in the fact that to proc, she needs to stack up a hefty 50 PS. It also doesn’t help that to charge, she must use her active magic and hope she gets the 30% chance to gain 20 PS upon casting. Since she needs to charge so much PS to start increasing her skill DPS, her potential damage is often hampered if she isn’t given the opportunity to charge up enough PS before stronger enemy encounters.
★4 Watanabe Mari (Uniform IV)
Mari is a yellow magic damage tank that has one of the highest magic defense stats at 412 by default. As a tank, Mari has access to her 2-star unit card that allows her to heal herself much like Honoka. Her own active skill further increases her tankiness by adding another layer to her armor by negating 10% of any magic damage dealt to her.

Pros: Along with being able to take hits and heal back the damage she takes, Mari can also spend 30 PS to tank any incoming damage an ally would take for 15 seconds, which can help in a pinch to protect your back row. As a way to increase her tankiness, Mari’s character passive gives her a 10% chance to negate 3% of any incoming damage, allowing her to tank mortal blows.
Cons: Although mentioned in her pros, her ability to take a hit for her allies comes at the cost of her needing to charge her PS in her own way, which is to have an ally take damage. Whenever this happens, Mari has a 50% chance to gain 10 points of PS, meaning at the minimum your teammate will be taking blows before she can jump in to take a hit for them. Another problem lies in her UA, which is unremarkable as it’s just a single target attack with no other effects. This also is added with the fact that as a tank, Mari’s offensive stats are not particularly high, leading to lackluster damage unless she’s hitting a foe that’s weak to yellow.
The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory Final Tips
The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory allows for the player to mix and match unit cards onto higher rarity units to further boost the effectiveness of each character by giving them better active skills. Even though this The Irregular at Magic High School Reloaded Memory tier list introduces some combination examples that can improve certain characters, another completely different can of beans is in the assist cards that provide additional passive effects on to the characters they are equipped to.
It’s ultimately important to experiment with the different cards you acquire whether from the gacha or story progression, as each individual card can be the foundation to make a stronger unit regardless of where they may have placed in the tier list.
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