Developer Child-Dream is releasing a complete remake of Scar of the Doll, the adventure game that was considered a pioneering 1998 indie adventure game, for the Nintendo Switch.
The planning scenario was jointly developed by Mista Stories Inc. and Mame-Kujira Inc. who revived the brand name of Child-Dream at that time, and the PV of this remake, the first remake in 24 years, is now available.
▍Scar of the Doll Remake PV
▍Nintendo Switch Improvements
The following improvements were made to the Nintendo Switch:
・Remastered BGM soundtracks.
・The second half of the story has been greatly added, and a zapping scenario from the sub-character’s point of view has been implemented.
・All graphics, including characters and stills, have been redesigned.
・The horror elements can now be turned on and off, so those who don’t like jumpscares can enjoy the game with peace of mind.

▍Scar of the Doll Remake Story
It is December. It is the end of the year in Tokyo. The protagonist is Asumi Kamijo, who has come to Tokyo by herself. The story unfolds rapidly over the seven days from December 18 to 24.
She has lost all contact with her sister, who is attending graduate school in Tokyo.
Concerned, the younger sister, Asumi Kamijyo, travels to Tokyo by herself to check on her sister’s safety.
However, she finds that there is no trace of her sister in the laboratory she belonged to or in the apartment where her sister was supposed to have lived. Asumi is at a loss. She wonders what has happened to her sister…
