Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate’s New Trailer Announces Release Date on September 22


MyDearest started streaming a new trailer for its upcoming sci-fi futuristic VR game, Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate at Gamescom 2022. The trailer also revealed that the game’s Episode I will release on September 22 for Meta Quest 2. The game has players investigating crime scenes, performing stealth actions, uncovering intriguing secrets, and more. 

Players take on the role of Hal, a Special Supervisor in Astrum Close City. A futuristic marine location, Astrum Close City is a place where crime has been eradicated. When the founder of the city is suddenly murdered, Hal must step in and bring the suspect to justice.

The second episode will arrive on Meta Quest 2 this fall, while the third episode will arrive this winter. A Nintendo Switch version with full episodes is also set to release in winter 2022.

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Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate Release Date Announcement

Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate Gameplay

Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate takes place in the city of Astrum Close where the crime rate is only 0.01%. A special AI program ensures that residents of the city remain calm and safe, eradicating any want to commit violent or illegal acts.

Players will take on the role of Hal Scion, a young investigator who has a special ability called “Memory Dive.” The Memory Dive allows Hal to alter the past to see the present and uses this ability to help him with his investigations. When the founder of Astrum Close is found dead, Hal must take up the case in order to solve this impossible murder.

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Everything players see could be a potential clue so paying attention and taking in every detail is paramount. Players can move around the game’s unique environments to discover and interact with items in order to help with their investigation. No one said being an investigator is easy. Players will also have to deal with the likes of Astrum Close City’s Integrated AI. Persuading the AI and winning over the city’s citizens is key to solving the mystery.

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