Tower of God made quite the splash earlier in the year when it was adapted into an anime series. Ngelgames is looking to that streak continue with the global release of the mobile game, Tower of God: Great Journey.
The developers released a new trailer for the 2D RPG, with a story based on retelling the events of the original webtoon, with players taking an active role in the story. The game features a real-time combat system using character cards to perform incredibly flashy skills to chain together combos, and various effects.
Tower of God: Great Journey is coming to North America and Europe in Winter 2022.
▍Tower of God: Great Journey Pre-Registration Trailer
▍Tower of God: Great Journey Worldview
Tower of God: Great Journey takes place in the same world as the original webtoon and anime, with a story that retelling the major events, allowing you to relive the story in first person.
The story centers around a young boy named Twenty-Fifth Bam, who spent his entire life trapped beneath a giant and mysterious tower with his one friend Rachel. One day Rachel enters the tower, leaving Bam alone. Unable to accept living without her, Bam himself heads into the tower to see Rachel again, at any cost.

▍Tower of God: Great Journey Gameplay
The game is is a 2D mobile RPG that plays in real-time. You can collect multiple characters to use during combat, and tap in them duting abttle to execute their skills, while positioning your characters. Everytime a character attacks they build a gauge which when filled, lets you execute special attacks and skills on the enemy, with unique animations playing for each character.
You can also leave your characters to fight by themselves to farm materials and experience points,to help expedite leveling up various equipments, skills.
