Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea: Legacy and Tristia: Restore Announced for PC and Switch


Kougado Studio announced today that it is releasing Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea: Legacy and Tristia: Restore for both Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam in the spring of next year. Among the planned languages, the games will support Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), and Korean.

The studio also opened a teaser site, announcing that it would exhibit two new titles at the Tokyo Game Show 2022. The teaser site also mentions that the two releases are to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the series.

Tristia: Legacy and Tristia: Restoria Remasters Announced for Spring 2023 Release

Developer Comments

■ Game Programmer Ryukei Noguchi
Tristia: Legacy is a remastered version of the original Tristia of the Blue Sea: Struggle in the Invention Studio, the starting point of the Blue Sea series. Actually, the year the title was released (2002) was the same year I was born! (Laughs)

Since this was a remastered version, of course, we had to look at past materials, but we were dealing with a 20-year-old product. While learning from various things, we also had questions and problems. However, with the support of the developers of that time and the current development team, we were able to come back with a more upgraded version of Tristia of the Blue Sea, and we hope you enjoy it!

■ Tristia: Restoria Programmer Anan Hyuga
This project began with a challenge to “create something new” using the title Tristia. I knew it existed, but when I checked the year it was released, I found that I was about 3 years old when it came out, so there was no way I had ever played it before, so I was like, “What should I do?”

So, I decided that if I was going to go to the trouble of making a game, I wanted to make it more like the action games I like, so I focused on the work in Nanooka’s workshop. While considering the difficulty level of this game, I had a hard time deciding on the materials and processes necessary for production, incorporating items and settings that existed in the original work. I think this game will be enjoyable for both those who know the original Tristia and those who do not, so I hope you enjoy playing it!

About The Game

Tristia: Legacy is a remastered version of Tristia of the Blue Sea: Struggle in the Invention Studio, which is the origin of the Blue Sea series. The series was originally released on PC in 2002.

The story takes place in the beautiful maritime city of Tristia, where due to a dragon attack that occurred about ten years ago, the city lost its original brilliance. In an attempt to restore the town’s splendor, it ended up getting abandoned.

tristia legacy restoration img4

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