Street Fighter 6 Unveils Returning Characters, New Game Modes, and CBT on October 7!


Capcom just wrapped up its online program and revealed tons of new information for Street Fighter 6, revealing tons of new information about the game, and returning characters! The game is also holding a Closed Beta Test on October 7, and you can sign-up for it right here!

Ken, E.Honda, Blanka, and Dhalsim have all been revealed rocking sick new outfits and a revamped moveset. The game also showed off its online features in the new Battle Hub, where you can see other players’ avatars and match up with them, while also playing classic Street Fighter Games!

Street Fighter 6 Launches in 2023. Don’t forget to check out Capcom’s SF6 program on September 16, 24:00 [JST]!

Game Modes Trailer

Street Fighter 6 Closed Beta Trailer

Street Fighter 6 Returning World Warriors!

Four classic characters from the Street Fighter series are returning, with Ken Masters, Dhalsim, Blanka, and E.Honda! Check out their character portraits here, and find out what they’ve been up to before the events of Street Fighter 6 taken from the official website!

■ Ken Masters – CV: David Matranga
Former US National Fighting Champ, and ex-VP of the Masters Foundation. Accusations of orchestrating a criminal plot have forced Ken to abandon his family and business and go into hiding.

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■ Blanka – CV: Luis Bermudez
A kindhearted defender of nature, Blanka has become an adventure tour guide, confident his intimate knowledge of the jungle will serve as a springboard to fame—and comfortable life for his beloved mother.

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■ Dhalsim – CV: Keith Silverstein
A monk and yoga master from India who has served as a guide for countless suffering souls. Prefers to avoid conflict when possible, but his innate hatred of evil compels him to dispense stern justice.

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■ E.Honda – CV: Joe Dimucci
A sumo wrestler looking to bring the sport worldwide, E. Honda has the skills of a yokozuna, but his constant globetrotting has prevented his promotion. Also an expert chef renowned for his mouthwatering chanko stew.

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Street Fighter 6 The Battle Hub

Taking the place of the Capcom Fighter Network from SF5, is the Battle hub! here you can walk around a 3d area with your customized avatar, and match with other players by sitting at an arcade machine and finding games, with other players being able to watch the action next to you, and even see important tournament matches on the big screen!

While you can also match online using a menu or staying in training mode, this mode lets you be more engaged in the action, and better build your community with other players!

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Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6 World Tour Game Mode

Get coached by a character from the series, learn their moves, and take the battle to the streets! Fight others anytime, anywhere, and level up your character, and use the techniques you’ve learned to traverse the map!

Maybe you’ll spinning bird kick in the air to cross platforms, or yoga teleport, or even headbutt your way across gaps! Take to the with your character, your style, and your techniques in this new open-world game mode that’s a first for the series!

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