Sonic Frontiers TGS 2022 Demo Preview – Taking Sonic to the Endless Frontier


Sonic Frontiers is coming out on November 8 for consoles and PCs, but before that, we got to try the game early while we were at Tokyo Game Show 2022! Not only did Sega set up a humongous balloon Sonic for all to marvel at, but PS5s, PCs, and Switch systems were set up around the venue with a demo of Sonic Frontiers.

So read on to find out what we thought of the Sonic Frontiers demo, which let us explore part of the game’s beautiful open world!

Sonic Frontiers launches for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on November 8.

Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers TGS 2022 Demo Impressions

The Sonic Frontiers demo lasted for about 15 minutes. The game demo puts you right at the game’s intro, with Sonic waking up on the Starfall islands, and is told by a mysterious voice to find his partner to begin his journey. After that cutscene, we were given the option of Action Style, and High-Speed style control schemes. You could change between any of these styles in the game’s setting, so new and veteran Sonic players can find the control scheme more comfortable for them.

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When people think of Sonic games, they usually gravitate towards speed courses with the goal to zip to the end as quickly as possible. While there are levels that retain that classic gameplay, Sonic Frontiers is primarily an open-world action title.

The freedom that comes with being able to move Sonic around the world wherever you want is exhilarating. The map also has plenty of jump pads, speed boosts, and other environmental tools you can use to move along quickly, making collecting rings easier on top of letting you go very fast.

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Though just having only speed in a game wouldn’t be enough. Sonic Frontiers also introduces new puzzle elements with the Cyloop technique. Here you can see us solving a puzzle with Cyloop, linking together elements found on the map. It’s a nice and organic way of implementing puzzle solving into a Sonic title, incorporating what makes being Sonic fun, moving around.

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The Starfall islands are also littered with these mysterious enemies that borrow design elements from fish oddly enough. The small enemies are pretty easy to dispatch , though the boss enemies will require more attention from the player, having you evade, and time your attacks much more thoughtfully.

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Overall the 15-minute demo at TGS 2022 was a great introduction to what we can expect from the full release, and really showed that even with an open-world title, you can still expect Sonic to maintain the same speed and momentum he’s known for.

One thing to note though is due to how quickly Sonic moves, and with an emphasis on free camera movement and locking on to enemies, some players may experience dizziness when playing due to how quickly and frequently the camera is moving.

If you have some form of motion sickness, be prepared to take a couple of breaks when playing Sonic Frontiers when it launches for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on November 8.

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