Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Showcases Gameplay at TGS 2022


During Square Enix’s live presentation at Tokyo Game Show 2022, we got another look at games from the Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai franchise, including the Japan-only arcade title Xross Blade, details for the 1-year anniversary event of Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Hero’s Bonds and first gameplay reveal for the upcoming Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai! A TGS trailer has also been revealed for the console game!

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai PV

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Gameplay

Infinity Strash features two primary game modes. Story mode lets you relive the story of Dragon Quest Adventure of Dai from the manga, featuring several scenes from the manga being recreated in 3D.

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Showcases Gameplay at TGS 2022
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You can return to completed stages in the game’s world-map mode. When you select a stage you’ll get a preview of the stage, and the enemies, and can also customize your characters with gear and Memory of Past Bonds cards to buff certain skills.

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The story mode features fully voice-acted cutscenes that have been re-recorded for the game! Being made in 3D you’ll also be able to look at these memorable moments from The Adventure of Dai from brand new angles and with new visual effects! The story still pays homage to the anime with occasional slides and panels referencing the show.

Adventure Of Dai
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Memory of past Bonds grants your characters certain bonuses, with these items being based on moments from the Adventure of Dai. You can earn Memories of Bonds from playing the original dungeon, the Palace of Memories!

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The Palace of Memories is a rogue-lite dungeon crawling mode, which each floor of the dungeon featuring a random monster for you to defeat. The further you go the harder each monster will be, but you can earn special gear that you can bring with you into the game’s story mode!

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai will have a worldwide simultaneous release for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam, but the release date is yet to be revealed.

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Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Hero’s Bonds Anniversary Update

DQDai: A Hero’s Bonds is reaching its first anniversary, and the Square Enix team unveiled new content for the title. The anniversary event begins on September 28 and until October 11 for both the Global and Japanese servers. Let’s check out all the cool stuff we’re getting!

First off, the “Hero’s Hall” event is coming to the game with the new gear you can pick up for completing the new event story and stages! The Hero’s Hall event also brings with it a boss fight with the series’ main antagonist, Vearn!

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The “Bonds” sword, staff, and armor series are also coming to the game, giving your characters powerful new burst skills!

The “bonds” series gacha is available on October 2, 15:00 [JST] until October 11, 14:59 [JST].

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It wouldn’t be an anniversary without tons of freebies and goodies, and the game is delivering with tons of new campaigns for loads of gems, login bonuses, and more!

■ Retweet Campaigns

Players on both Global and Japan servers can join in the retweet campaign for the first anniversary starting today! If the 1st-anniversary tweet reaches over 3,000 retweets, players will receive up to 5,000 gems for free!

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On top of that, the Community Special Move Selection campaign is coming back after it made its debut in the half-year anniversary! Vote for your favorite weapons and skills that you want to see, to receive a select 4-Star gear, along with a weapon and armor upgrade stone as presents after the campaign! The Community Special Move Selection Retweet Campaign begins on September 28, until September 30, 14:59 [JST]

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■ In-game events and bonuses

Login to the game during the event period of September 28, to October 11, to receive tons of freebies from the treasured armor sets, 70 free rolls, 8,000 Gems, and tons more goodies!

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You can also pickup tickets to play the golden golem quest to earn tons of free items. Make sure you play this quest daily to not miss out!

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Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Hero’s Bonds 1st Anniversary PV

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