Synduality Anime Unveils Teaser Trailer


Bandai Namco’s Synduality game and animation project released a new teaser trailer for the TV anime portion of the project. The teaser trailer shows off some scenes from the anime, showing the mechas being animated in 2D. The studio for the anime was revealed, with Eight Bit in charge of animation.


Synduality Anime Information Live Stream

Synduality Anime Teaser Trailer

Synduality Story

The series takes place in 2222, after the Tears of the New Moon, a cataclysmic event that caused poisonous rain to fall from the sky, wiping out most of the human race. Those that survived exposure, faced a more gruesome fate as they were turned into monsters that ate other humans. The rest of the survivors chose to flee underground in a new safe haven called Amasia.

In order to maintain its existence, humanity worked on a powerful AI called Magus to help run systems in Amasia. The story chronicles humanity as it tries to survive, unsure of how its existence will continue with this A that has gained a sense of self, its future.

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Anime Staff and Production

Character Design: neco
Coffin (Mecha) Design: Ippei Gyoubu
Animation Production: Eight Bit (8bit)

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