The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War Anime Unveils 1st PV and Main Cast


The official website of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War, a TV anime adaptation of Nihon Falcom’s The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel game, has revealed the first promotional video and the main cast. The anime is set to broadcast in 2023.

The series is set in the year S.C. 1205. Lavian is the granddaughter of a deeply respected North Ambria hero-turned-traitor named Vlad, who joins the Northern Jaegers to prove that she is different from her grandfather.

After multiple and constant disciplinary violations, Lavie is ordered to form a platoon alongside Martin, Iseria, and Tallion, in order to infiltrate the Erebonian Empire and to investigate more about the supposed Civil War Hero of the Empire that is currently threatening North Ambria.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War Anime Unveils 1st PV and Main Cast

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War Anime PV1

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War Anime Main Cast

■ Lavian Winslet – CV: Makoto Koichi

legend of heroes lavian

■ Martin S. Robinson – CV: Yūichi Nakamura 

legend of heroes martin

■ Iseria Frost – CV: Sarah Emi Bridcutt

legend of heroes iseria

■ Talion Drake – CV: Yūki Ono

legend of heroes talion

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War Anime Staff & Production

Based on: Nihon Falcom’s Trails of Cold Steel
Director: Eiichi Sato
Animation Story: Mao Emura
Series Composition: Hideki Ryoga, Mao Emura
Original Character Design:Masaji Hara
Character Design: Mina Osawa
Animation: Tatsunoko Production

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