[Qoo Guide] Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team Character Guide


Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team

Captain Tsubasa ~Tatakae Dream Team~ (キャプテン翼 ~たたかえドリムチム~), or Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team in English, has finally arrived on mobile! With its abundance of players to create strong teams from, here’s a character guide on building the perfect team to beat the league!

Re-rolling In Captain Tsubasa

Re-rolling in Captain Tsubasa is much simpler than expected. There’s no need to uninstall and re-install. Once you complete the basic tutorial, you will be given the chance to summon a character. If you’re not content with the character you summoned, you can simply keep summoning until you get the desired character at the press of a single button!

IMPORTANT: The characters you summon from the tutorial gacha are different from those summoned outside of the tutorial.

Additionally, after completing the tutorial, you will receive ten free orbs to start you off with (50 Orbs are needed for 10 summons). You can obtain additional orbs by logging in every day and completing missions along with advancing throughout the story.

Below is a list of current SSR characters you can obtain from the gacha. These characters can be summoned at ★4 and can be upgraded to ★5.

SSR Rank Characters

■ Tsubasa Ozora (大空 翼 (王者南葛))


Attribute: Power   

Position: OMF   

Team Skill: Middle Players Offense +5% (サッカー少年の攻撃力)

Main Special Move: Drive Shoot  (ドライブシュート) – Power: 450 / Stamina: 415

Sub Special Move: Overhead (オーバーヘッド) – Power: 290 / Stamina: 335

Overview: Tsubasa is a strong character with high shot power and very high stats. An excellent character that’s a staple to have in your team. One of the weak points is the high stamina consumption, meaning you can only use his main special skill Drive Shoot once per game. Use it wisely!

■ Karl Heinz Schneider (シュナイダー (若き皇帝のプライド))


Attribute: Fast

Position: FW

Team Skill: Increase Foreign Forward Players Offense +5% (世界のオフェンス力)

Main Special Move: Fire Shot (ファイヤーショット) – Power: 450 / Stamina: 415

Effect: Blows away up to two opponents who are in front

Sub Special Move: Kaiser Tackle (カイザータックル) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 335

Overview: One of the strongest characters in the FW lineup! With the highest shooting power, he’s a powerful offense. His team skill tends to not do much help for most teams, unless if you happen to run a team of foreign characters.

■ Shingo Aoi (葵新伍 (輝く太陽王子))


Attribute: Fast

Position: DMF

Team Skill: Japanese Players Stamina +10% (不屈の大和魂)

Main Special Move: Takeshi Dash Direct Jumping Volley (メイン必殺技) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 375

Sub Special Move: Large Triangular Path (サブ必殺技) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 345

Overview: Much like Kaedaro, Aoi is an essential core in supporting the team. An active defender than can play as in both Mid Field and Forward. Especially its team skill that can raise the stamina of all Japanese players in your team, excellent for players that happen to use stamina quickly.

■ Hiroshi Jito (次藤洋 (鋼鉄の番人))


Attribute: Power

Position: DF

Team Skill: Increase Physical Defense +5% (鋼のディフェンス)

Main Special Move: High Power Tackle (ハイパワータックル) Power: 450 / Stamina: 420

Sub Special Move: High Power Block (ハイパワーブロック) Power: 320 / Stamina: 370

Sub Special Move: Combi Plays With Sano (佐野とのコンビプレイ) Power: 300 / Stamina: 355

Overview: With the slowest speed stat among all characters, Hiroshi is a very weak character to use in the frontlines. He makes it all up for it with his +5% increase in defense stat and a very high block stat. Great to use as a defender, not recommended for passing or making goals.

■ Hikaru Matsuyama (松山光 (北海の荒鷲))


Attribute:  Fast

Position: DF

Team Skill:  Increase Defense of Japan Players +3% (若き侍のディフェンス力)

Main Special Move: Eagle Shot (イーグルショット) – Power: 295 / Stamina: 320

Sub Special Move: Eagle Tackle (イーグルタックル) – Power: 315  Stamina: 325

Overview: Not much of a show off to use in team. There are better alternatives out there – Cals & Gentile. Only worth noting is his team skill, which is essential for an only Japanese player team.

■ Ken Wakashimatsu (若島津 健 (格闘GK))


Attribute: Technique

Position: GK

Team Skill: All Japan Players Offense +3% (若き侍のオフェンス力)

Main Special Move: Triangular Flying Hand Sword Defnse (三角飛び手刀ディフェンス) – Power: 325 / Stamina: 185

Sub Special Move: Masculinity Defense (正拳ディフェンス) – Power: 250 / Stamina: 145

Overview: It’s all about luck! Accompanied with low catch stats, not a great goalkeeper to have catching balls every few seconds. But with a high punching stat, Ken is excellent for playing the ball and turning the tide of the game with a single pass.

■ Kojiro Hyuga (日向小次郎 (取り戻した牙))


Attribute: Power

Position: FW

Team Skill: Shooting Power +5% (サッカー少年の得点感覚)

Main Special Move: Tiger Shot (タイガーショット) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 345

Sub Special Move: Intuitive Dribble (直感的なドリブル) – Power: 285 / Stamina: 155

Overview: Kojiro is a must for any team if you’re looking to score easy goals. With an increase shooting power and his special tiger shot move, Kojiro has an easy time breaking the enemies defense. Only downside is his low dribble stat which may give him a hard time making his way across the field.

■ Tsubasa Ozora (大空翼 (真のキャプテンシー))


Attribute: Technique

Position: OMF

Team Skill: Japanese Player Offense +5% (ジャパニーズ・サッカー)

Main Special Move: Golden Combination (ゴールデンコンビ) – Power: 475 / Stamina: 435

Sub Special Move: Heel Lift (ヒールリフト) – Power: 270 / Stamina: 125

Overview: A top notch character that works for a variety of teams. An easy-to-use character that can be used to assist Forwards and is able to create easier set-ups for surpassing the enemy’s team defense line. It’s recommended to use with other Japanese characters for the +5% offense increase.

■ Gino Hernandez (ジノ・ヘルナンデス (パーフェクトゴールキーパー))


Attribute: Fast

Position: GK

Team Skill: Foreign Players’ Defense Increase +3% (世界の壁)

Main Special Move: Golden Right Arm (黄金の右腕) – Power: 450 / Stamina: 345

Sub Special Move: Double Hand Punch (ダブルハンドパンチ) – Power: 260 / Stamina: 140

Overview: With a high punch and catch stat, Gino is the essential goalkeeper that you’ll be dying to catch! There are very little weaknesses for Gino and his stats are above average of many other goal keepers. If you happen to have a mixed team, his team skill will greatly benefit with an extra defense boost.

■ Juan Diaz (ファン・ディアス (アルゼンチンの至宝))


Attribute: Fast

Position: OMF

Team Skill: Dribble Speed Attribute Increase +10% (スピードスター)

Main Special Move: Drive Shoot (ドライブシュ) – Power: 450 / Stamina: 415

Sub Special Move: South American Style Dribbles (南米式ドリブル) – Power: 300 / Stamina: 150

Overview: GOOOAL!! An offensive character for easy scoring, Van Diaz is the perfect player for the job! With his high parameter and shooting stat along with a +10% dribble speed increase, he’s able to break through the toughest of defense with a single shot. There are very little drawbacks to using Van, so make sure to secure a spot for him.

■ Robson (ロブソン (ライオンハート))


Attribute: Power

Position: DF

Team Skill: Increase Block of Power Attribute +5% (鋼の肉体)

Main Special Move: High Power Block (ハイパワーブロック) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 370

Sub Special Move: High Power Tackle (ハイパワータックル) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 350

Overview: If you happen to have a very weak goal keeper, Robson is a great character to use as a second line of defense. He may not be excellent but overall performs well at blocking most enemy shots and it’s a great shooter, but remember to avoid dribbling since he tends to be a bit slow.

■ Elle Sid Pierre (エル・シド・ピエール (華麗なる指揮官))


Attribute:  Fast

Position: OMF

Team Skill: Fast Attribute Path Increase +10% (電光石火)

Main Special Move: Eiffel Attack (エッフェル攻) – Power: 455 / Stamina: 420

Sub Special Move: Slider Shoot (スライダシュ) – Power: 300 / Stamina: 325

Overview: Pierre is a great supporting player that excels at support for attacks. Pair him with strong Forward players and you’ll be an unstoppable assist player. Pierre is not good at passing cuts, so make sure that you have an opening before passing.

■ Louis Napoleon (ルイ・ナポレオン (キャノンシューター))


Attribute: Fast

Position: FW

Team Skill: Fast Attribute Shoot Increase +5% (疾風怒涛)

Main Special Move: Cannon Shoot (キャノンシュート) – Power: 300 / Stamina: 325

Sub Special Move: Strong Tackle (強烈なタックル) – Power: 265 / Stamina: 280

Overview: A Forward player with an exceeding shooting and dribble stat, Napoleon is a must-have defender. With its special move Cannon Shoot, it can easily break through tough defender and straight into the goalkeeper’s net. Additionally, his special effect can blow away one opponent who is on the way of the trajectory.

Hermann Kaltz (ヘルマン・カルツ (仕事師))


Attribute: Power

Position: DMF

Team Skill: Physical Attribute Increase of DMF/DF +5% (屈強な守備陣)

Main Special Move: Hedgehog Dribble (ハリネズミドリブル) – Power: 295 / Stamina: 145

Sub Special Move: Loop Pass (ループパス) – Power: 255 / Stamina: 95

Overview: One way to describe Hermann? A giant brick wall. With its only shining stat being his defense, Hermann doesn’t really have any weakness or overall that special. Still a great asset to have in any team.

■ Salvatore Gentile (サルバトーレ・ジェンティーレ (鉄壁のダンディ))


Attribute:  Fast

Position: DF

Team Skill: Fast Attribute Tackle Increase +10% (目にも止まらぬ早業)

Main Special Move: Right Angle Defense (直角ディフェンス) – Power: 440 / Stamina: 390

Sub Special Move: High Power Block (ハイパワーブロック) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 370

Overview: A player that excels in intercepting the enemy, so make sure to save a spot for him as a defender! He has a very high tackle parameter, so there will always be a comeback whenever Salvatore is around.

■ Ryoma Hino (火野 竜馬 (ジャパニーズボンバー))


Attribute: Technique

Position: FW

Team Skill: Physical Stat Increase +5% (強引な攻撃)

Main Special Move: Dragon Shoot (ドラゴンシュ) – Power: 320 / Stamina: 345

Sub Special Move: Dragon Tiger (ドラゴンタイガ) – Power: 340 / Stamina: 365

Effect: Blows away up to two opponents who are in front

Sub Special Move: South American Style Dribbles (南米式ドリブル) – Power: 300 / Stamina: 150

Overview: Ryoma’s use in the field is very limited. His abilities are mediocre, no specialized stats, his stats are below average, and no synergy. Just an average player that you should only use if you’re in need of an extra character.

■ Singprasert Bunnark (シンプラサート・ブンナーク(全身凶器))


Attribute: Power

Position: DF

Team Skill: Tackle of Power Attributions Increase +10% (パワフルアタック)

Main Special Move: Muay Thai Block (ムエタイブロック) – Power: 455 / Stamina: 430

Sub Special Move: Muay Thai Dribnle (ムエタイドリブル) – Power: 315 / Stamina: 155

Overview: A massive body blocker to use as a defender that may seem as a favorable choice to use at first but with his low passing stat, you’ll have a difficult time passing without getting intercepted. Most defenders tend to be very weak in play if they’re not able to pass, which may require you to play very close to them.

■ Mark Owairan (マーク・オワイラン (アラビアンナイトの王子))


Attribute: Technique

Position: DF

Team Skill: Defense Increase of DF +5% (鉄壁の守備)

Main Special Move: Cross Defense (クロスディフェンス) Power: 455 / Stamina: 405

Sub Special Move:  Rolling Dribble (ロリングドリブル) Power: 315 / Stamina: 155

Overview: An unlikely defender that may not be able to block incoming shots, Mark is an excellent tackler. Able to intercept incoming enemy players, he’s a great defender that can work well if you happen to have a high defense goalkeeper to prevent any missed shots.

■  Carlos Santana (カルロス・サンターナ (パーフェクト・ソルジャー))


Attribute: Technique

Position: FW

Team Skill: Increase of Offense Technical Attribute +5% (巧みな攻撃)

Main Special Move: Golden Eagle Shot (ゴールデンイーグルショット) – Power: 440 / Stamina: 405

Sub Special Move: Santana Turn (サンターナターン) – Power: 315 / Stamina: 155

Overview: With an A rank dribble and an S rank shot, Carlos is an easy player to play around with and it’s a great asset to any team. A highly recommended forward player that can outrun the enemy and tear through the enemy’s defense with ease.

Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team (EN)

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