Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Will Shut Down on January 11


Square Enix is shutting down the mobile battle royale, Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. The game will be shutting down on January 11, 2023, 07:00 [UTC], and will have been live for 1 year and 5 months once it shuts down. As a result of the shutdown, the game has suspended the sale of all premium currency. No statement was issued for refunds, though it may still be on the horizon due to Japanese laws.

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Developer Statment

The developers thanked players for almost a year of jumping around on Chocobos, and battles all across Midgar, but announced the game will be coming to a close on January 11.

The developers stated that they weren’t able to deliver the experience fans hoped for, and will thus shut the service down, implying that the game wasn’t able to meet its goals in terms of profitability or player engagement.

The game has taken away Shinra Credits from the store, and will also be stopping support for Non-English languages five hours before the game shuts down.

The developers hope to make the rest of the coming months fun for players and hope players can enjoy the title until the very end.

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About Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is Square Enix’ take on the battle royale genre, featuring the setting of Final Fantasy 7. with players fighting throughout Midgar.

Players can find weapons, level up, use spells, pick up materias to power up their characters, and even use summons in order to be the last one standing, and be chosen to take on the position of a SOLDIER for Shinra.

The game has a rating of 3.5 on the QooApp Game Store.

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