[Qoo Guide] Fate/Grand Order Beginner Guide – Servant



Fate/Grand Order has made its way into North America. There are many servants that you can take control off, below are servants that you’ll want to obtain if you can’t get one of those strong 5 stars.

Important Tips

■ Gacha Rates are very low. Rates for five star characters is 1% and four stars is 3%. Re-rolling is a must!

■ NA Fate Grand Order is about two years behind JP Fate Grand order. Events and Servants will be released in NA at the same rate as JP.

■ Which servant is perfect to begin with? Any of the servants listed are viable and great to have when starting out. As for the exception of Heracles, (or for any Berserker), who is very strong and has lots of defensive capabilities. Emiya is another great summon for late game and obtains many bonuses in later events.

■ All servants listed below are 4 stars.

Emiya (Archer)


■ Attribute: Man
■ ATK: 1566/9398, HP: 1843/11521
■ Grail ATK: 11379, Grail HP: 13969
■ Star Absorption: 145, Star Generation: 7.9%
■ NP Charge ATK: 0.51%, NP Charge DEF: 3%
■ Noble Phantasm: Unlimited Blade Works – Infinite Creation of Swords
■ Effect: Powerful attacks despite enemies’ defense
■ Overcharge Effect: Lower enemies’ attack for 3 turns

Siegfried (Saber)


■ Attribute: Earth
■ ATK: 1363/8181, HP: 2266/14165
■ Grail ATK: 9905, Grail HP: 17175
■ Star Absorption: 97, Star Generation: 10%
■ NP Charge ATK: 0.83%, NP Charge DEF: 3%
■ Noble Phantasm: Balmung Illusory Greatsword – Felling of the Sky Demon
■ Effect: Attack all enemies
■ Overcharge Effect: Extra damage to enemies with dragon trait

Le Chevalier d’Eon (Saber)


■ Attribute: Man
■ ATK: 1734/8765, HP: 2121/13256
■ Grail ATK: 10613, Grail HP: 16073
■ Star Absorption: 102, Star Generation: 10%
■ NP Charge ATK: 0.83%, NP Charge DEF: 3%
■ Noble Phantasm: Fleur de Lys – Gorgeous Blooming Lilies
■ Effect: Enemies’ attack and defence become weakened for 2 turns
■ Overcharge Effect: Possible to charm enemies for 1 turn

Elizabeth Bathory  (Lancer)


■ Attribute: Man
■ ATK: 1520/9122, HP: 1899/11870
■ Grail ATK: 11045, Grail HP: 14392
■ Star Absorption: 90, Star Generation: 11.8%
■ NP Charge ATK: 1.1%, NP Charge DEF: 4%
■ Noble Phantasm: Báthory Erzsébet – Demon Daughter of Fresh Blood
■ Effect: Powerful attacks despite enemies’ defense
■ Overcharge Effect: Curse enemies for 3 turns

Marie Antionette (Rider)


■ Attribute: Man
■ ATK: 1382/8293, HP: 1975/12348
■ Grail ATK: 10041, Grail HP: 14972
■ Star Absorption: 201, Star Generation: 1.07%
■ NP Charge ATK: 1%, NP Charge DEF: 3%
■ Noble Phantasm: Guillotine Breaker – Glory to the Crown of Lillies
■ Effect: Attack all enemies and remove any debuff
■ Overcharge Effect: Increase the team’s HP

Saint Martha (Rider)


■ Attribute: Man
■ ATK: 1335/8014, HP: 2090/13068
■ Grail ATK: 9703, Grail HP: 15845
■ Star Absorption: 205, Star Generation: 9%
■ NP Charge ATK: 1.58%, NP Charge DEF: 33%
■ Noble Phantasm: Tarasque – O Tragic Drake Who Knew Naught of Love
■ Effect: Attack all enemies
■ Overcharge Effect: Enemies’ defense weakened for 3 turns

Stheno (Assassin)


■ Attribute: Sky
■ ATK: 1497/8985, HP: 1843/11518
■ Grail ATK: 10879, Grail HP: 13965
■ Star Absorption: 104, Star Generation: 25%
■ NP Charge ATK: 2.26%, NP Charge DEF: 4%
■ Noble Phantasm: Smile of the Stheno – Goddess’ Smile
■ Effect: An enemy’s defense drops 20% for 3 turns, instant death by chance if it’s a male enemy
■ Overcharge Effect: Possibility to charm a male enemy

Carmilla (Assassin)


■ Attribute: Earth
■ ATK: 1568/9408, HP: 1675/10473
■ Grail ATK: 11391, Grail HP: 12698
■ Star Absorption: 98, Star generation: 25.2%
■ NP Charge ATK: 2.15%, NP Charge DEF: 4%
■ Noble Phantasm: Phantom Maiden – Phantasmal Iron Maiden
■ Effect: Attack a single enemy, increase her own HP by 2000 and attack by 20% for 3 turns
■ Overcharge Effect: Extra attack on females

Heracles (Berserker)


■ Attribute: Sky
■ ATK: 1775/10655, HP: 1652/10327
■ Grail ATK: 12901, Grail HP: 12521
■ Star Absorption: 10, Star Generation: 5%
■ NP Charge ATK: 1.07%, NP Charge DEF: 5%
■ Noble Phantasm: Nine Lives – Shooting Hundred Heads
■ Effect: Strong attack against a single enemy
■ Overcharge Effect: An enemy’s defense weakened for 3 turns

Tamamo Cat (Berserker)


■ Attribute: Earth
■ ATK: 1504/9026, HP: 1833/11458
■ Grail ATK: 10929, Grail HP: 13893
■ Star Absorption: 10, Star Generation: 5%
■ NP Charge ATK: 0.71%, NP Charge DEF: 5%
■ Noble Phantasm: Sansan Nikkou Hiruyasumi Shyuchi – Opulence of Sun and Shine and Catnap
■ Effect: Attack all enemies and stuns self for 2 turns
■ Overcharge Effect: Increase HP for 3 turns

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