Assault Lily Last Bullet x Girls und Panzer Collab Begins Today


The collab event between Assault Lilly Last Bullet and Girls und Panzer, Lillies and Panzer event is beginning today!

The event adds five new 5★ memorias to the game, with one of them being free for pick-up in from participating in the game’s event! Collab missions, a new event story, and more will all be available letting you pick up loads of gems and play with new characters from Girls und Panzer!

The event begins on October 31, to November 14, 11:59 [JST]

Assault Lily Last Bullet x Girls und Panzer Collab PV

Assault Lily Last Bullet x Girls und Panzer New Memoria

A new Step-up gacha is here! In this step-up gacha you can get a bonus gacha ticket and new memoria tickets at Step-up 4 and 5, and step-u 5 will have 3x the pickup rate for these characters!

Check out these cool new characters coming to the game, all featuring the girls from Girls Und Panzer in tanks as they roll into the battlefield!

Assault Lily last bullet

■ 5★Memoria – Turn the Tides!

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■ 5★Memoria – The Pride of the Nishizumi Style

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■ 5★Memoria – Elegant Tea Time

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■ 5★Memoria – An Unexpected Situation

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Assault Lily Last Bullet x Girls und Panzer Event Mission

A new collaboration mission is coming to the game! In this you can pick up the collab memoria, “preparations for war” and also the materials needed to ascend and upgrade it!

These items will be available as rewards in your item box, completing event missions and also logging in for at least five days during the event along with completing all event missions, so don’t miss out on your chance to get a free maxed memoria!

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9EHXqcZtSxFI1 XKQJUXPkcJyPh9uSPWB68mnjNiwG Assault Lily Last Bullet | Japanese Pokelabo, Inc. Rate: 4.5 Install
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