Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Unveils Launch Trailer and More Gameplay Details


Square Enix released the launch trailer for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, the remake of the original Crisis Core released on the PSP and the prequel to Final Fantasy 7.

The trailer previews a ton of key moments from Crisis Core, involving Angeal, Genesis, Zack, Tifa, Aerith, Cloud and Sephiroth while also previewing more of the remake’s gameplay and features the song “Why” by Ayaka, which was also in the original game in a key moment.

Square Enix also released more information on the game, including Tifa, the Buster Sword Battle Stance taken from the FF7 Remake, and a bunch of new minigames, spells, and summons that are returning.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion launches for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5, PC via Steam and Xbox One, and Xbox Series X on December 13.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Launch Trailer

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion – Tifa

■ Tifa – CV: Britt Baron

Along Zack’s adventure he meets Tifa, long before she ever moved to Midgard and was still living in her hometown of Nibelheim, and is also Cloud’s childhood friend! In Crisis Core Tifa was chosen to be the guide to the Shinra Investigation team lead by Zack and Sephiroth as they headed to the mako reactor, where the fate of all of them changes forever from then on…

Crisis Core

Buster Sword Stance

Once Zack picks up the Buster Sword he gains access to the new Battle Stance and Strong Attacks, reminiscent of Cloud’s abilities in the FF7 Remake,

CCFFVIIR Buster Sword 9gfmalnef

This new stance feature lets Zack use AP to perform battle attacks, in exchange for them being far heavier and more powerful. This stance also boosts the strength of his abilities involving his sword. Go on the offence or wait for your time to block and counter-attack with unstoppable heavy attacks that can’t be interrupted!

CCFFVIIR Buster Sword 2 0g6rdf7hd

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion – Minigames and Mail

In Crisis Core Reunion Zack can also take on various minigames and sub-events to learn more about the game’s story and many characters. One minigame is the Physical Fitness Test where Zack can perform squats in a training room against other troopers, with the one performing the most squats in a minute winning.

CCFFVIIR squats r5szcb2au

There’s also a sub-event where you can build a flower wagon for Aerith. As you explore Midgard and the world you can find materials to help her build the wagon she uses to sell flowers and collect them later in FF7.

CCFFVIIR FlowerCart oz54mcz9e

As you progress Zack also gets new mail from various NPCs in the world. Many of these are work-related, but in the world of Crisis Core there are also fan clubs based on the various SOLDIER members, and if you complete certain quests you can get exclusive emails and tips from the fan clubs!

CCFFVIIR email 822mm4ouk
CCFFVIIR Fan Club ko7e9g0cv

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion – Materias

Much like in FF7 Crisis Core featured a Materia spell system, and that’s no different here. by equipping Materia Zack has an access to powerful spells and magics, which use MP. The more powerful the spell, the more MP is used. Alternatively, you can slot in Materia to use abilities which cost AP instead and can be used at the end of a combo for maximum damage.

Here’s a look at some of the many spells featured in the game.

■ Energy

A spell that fires homing bolts of… energy at enemies that also pierces upon impact.

CCFFVIIR Energy vlmkxud6d

■ Flare

Explosion magic that deals damage to all enemies surrounding you. Great when you’re in a pinch or surrounded by multiple weak enemies!

CCFFVIIR Flare lsgc65lt3

■ Poison Blade

Uses AP to do a quick slash that inflicts poison, sapping an enemy’s health slowly over time. Great on enemies with a high defence as poison ignores armour.

CCFFVIIR Poison Blade gkeaxwhng

■ Hammer Punch

Another move that ignores damage mitigation, as Zack winds up for a heavy blow that deals more damage the more AP he has.

CCFFVIIR Hammer Punch sdbt72wlg

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion – Summons

Crisis Core’s core feature the DMW of course makes a return with randomized effects during battle in the form of a slot machine. The DMW is also used to bring out summons, with two returning summons Odin and Phoenix. Check out their signature poses below as they perform Zantetsuken and Rebirth Flame!

CCFFVIIR Odin aqeaxwqye
CCFFVIIR Phoenix 0hf9vkuzc

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion – Chocobo Mode

The DMW will gain more buffs and additional images in its slots as you progress, one of them being the Chocobo mode. When the DMW triggers Chocobo Mode, Zack gets access to limit breaks, here are some of the more wacky and fun limit breaks from old favourites!

■ Moogle: Moogle Power

Moogle Power when triggered buffs all of Zack’s materias, making it the perfect time to unleash all of your abilities on the enemy!

CCFFVIIR Moogle2 fyz3z57p5
CCFFVIIR MooglePower e82c57ono

■ Cait Sith: Courage Boost!

Cait Sith pops up to give you a nice buff to most of your stats while also removing all debuffs!

CCFFVIIR CaitSith2 j08wmxm43
CCFFVIIR Cait Sith pyc5u0xhi

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