Tears of Themis “Snowfallen Secrets” Event Brings in the Winter Mood from December 12


HoYoverse announced that the latest event of the Tears of Themis otome game, Snowfallen Secrets” will be held from December 12 to December 26! Winter has arrived in the northern hemisphere, and everything is blanketed in a layer of white.

The air may be cold, but a warmer mood follows…romantic melodies flow through the air, the notes dancing and weaving to form a love song unique to a special someone. Investigation Tasks will be available for a limited time during the event period, along with other interesting gameplay such as card games.

Tears of Themis – Snowfallen Secrets PV

Tears of Themis “Snowfallen Secrets” Event

On the opening day of the Winter Magic Festival, a post made by a user under the name of “wither” caused a great uproar on the Internet. The prophetic words of that post seemed to have come true later that night, as an accident befell the genius magician performing onstage. The performance had to stop mid-way, just like how the post predicted. Is this merely a coincidence? Or is it a well-planned trap?

Tears of Themis Snowfallen Secrets

Investigate with the other 4 members of NXX and discover the truths one step at a time by inspecting the sites, talking to the persons involved, and discussing the incidents online. At the end of it all, the final mystery will be unraveled. Participate to obtain the Surprise Performance Event-Limited Badge, the Celebration – Snowfallen Event-Limited Namecard, S-Chips, and other rewards.

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The House of the Draw event will also be available at the same time in Tears of Themis. Attorneys can use the tokens earned from Reasoning” to flip cards over and obtain the SR [Love Berries] Marius von Hagen and SR [Masquerade Passion] Artem Wing cards:

■ SR [Love Berries] Marius von Hagen – CV: Kaito Ishikawa

■ SR [Masquerade Passion] Artem Wing – CV: Suwabe Junichi

Shadow of Themis – Snowfallen Secrets

■ SSR [Lukewarm Fragrance] Luke Pearce – CV: Kaji Yuki

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■ SSR [Aimed at your Heart] Vyn Richter – CV: Fukuyama Jun

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