Heaven Burns Red Begins New Year 31A Uninhabited Island Event


Heaven Burns Red is celebrating the New Year with the 31A Uninhabited Island Survival event!

The event adds anew dramatic story to the game with the girls from squad 31A stranded on an uninhabited island where they’ll have to do everything they can to survive, with comical “game over” scenarios if they fail to perform fairly basic tasks, and the hidden story of lovers once stuck on the island. The event features Tama Kunimi and also adds a new SS version of Tama Kunimi in a kimono, along with login bonuses, a free S version of Mari Satsuki, and much more.

The 31A Uninhabited Island Event begins on December 30 2022 to January 31, 2023.

Heaven Burns Red 31A Uninhabited Island Event PV

Heaven Burns Red New Character Styles

A new SS version of Tama Kunimi is available now in her own pickup gacha! This lightning-slash type character performs for you in her lovely kimono, raining down heavenly lightning upon her foes with a flashy cinematic attack and is also featured in the event.

Heaven Burns Red

Speaking of the event, for playing the 31A survival island event, you can pick up exchange medals and grab the limited S-style version of Mari Satsuki for free!

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Heaven Burns Red Login Campaigns

To celebrate the new year there are a bunch of login bonuses and event missions you can complete to earn a ton of goodies!

First up is the strengthening campaign, which grants you plenty of upgrade materials and items for fulfilling mission requirements, giving you a nice and easy way to get some precious items for your characters.

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Next, we have the Login gacha for the new year, and every day you get to roll this gacha once for free. On top of that is also the new year strengthening login bonus, letting you pick up lifestones for free to use in Prism battles!

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Heaven Burns Red Score Attack and Death Slug

A story boss is back! You can challenge the score attack #15 Exceed the Constraints to get event exchange medals and Nordstrom crystals. Accompanying the Score attack mode is the Death Slug appearing again from Chapter 1 Day 12. If you haven’t cleared that part of the story, you won’t be able to fight this new enhanced version of Death Slug, but if you can, you’ll be given Skil Guides as part of the new permanent reward, and Nordstrom crystals!

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Heaven Burns Red New Gachas

There is also a new SS style guaranteed gacha for new years available until January 31, and the 5-step Gacha is back, with discounts on pulls and giving you a guaranteed SS Style character at step 5!

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