Path to Nowhere Begins Night of Wonders Event on January 17


Path to Nowhere unveiled its latest event coming to the game, Night of Wonders which begins next week on January 17, introducing two new sinners, game features, and more.

This event introduces the Catalyst Tendency S-rank character Enfer, alongside Umbra Tendency A-rank sinner Mcqueen to Path to Nowhere. As usual, these two will also be introduced to their own interrogation events. You’ll also be able to play with new stage environments in this event, along with a quiz minigame, and of course pick a bunch of new materials to level up and enhance your sinners, while enjoying a fully voiced story.

Path to Nowhere Night of Wonders Trailer

Path to Nowhere New Sinners

Enfer and Mcqueen are finally here! The pair fulfill the role of a powerful new support buffer and assassin that can occupy multiple spaces at once. These two will be available in the new pickup gacha, and presumably, you’ll be able to pick up a free copy of Mcqueen from the event, just like with the other new A-rank characters.

■ Enfer

Enfer is a sculptor coming from an Artistic family and well known in art circles. She excels as a buffer, giving sinners a massive increase in their attack damage while also spreading fear among enemies. When promoted, her fear can also cause enemies to take additional damage from certain sinners, making her extremely potent when paired with the right DPS character.

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■ Mcqueen

Mcqueen is a new Umbra tendency character with the ability to create a clone of herself on the battlefield. The clone stays for the entire stage, and when the clone disappears or when you use Mcqueen’s skill again, the clone explodes dealing damage to enemies in a 3×3 area and also dealing 1 damage to cores. Damage dealt is based on the clone’s maximum health.

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Path to Nowhere Night of Wonders Event Features

The Night of Wonders event is almost here. This time the MBCC is tasked with exploring a museum filled with all manner of horrors and sinner activity within its exhibits. As you explore these areas you’ll be thrust into different battlefields with new gimmicks , enemy types, and tile modifiers.

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Along with this event Enfer and Mcqueen will be getting interrogations so you can learn more about them, and the Night of Wonders features a minigame where you’ll need to identify sinners based on their silhouette and answer questions about the Belphegor Art Museum.

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Interestingly we’ll also be getting a new minesweeper game mode during this event, which looks to exactly what it sounds like as you play minesweeper with your sinners

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Path to Nowhere New Outfit

Crache is also getting a new outfit themed around little red riding hood, causing her skill to unleash a giant wolf out into the field! Like with the other cosmetics, this one will be available in the shop during the event period.

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