Tower of Fantasy Version 2.3 “Amidst Miasma” Coming on February 2


Developer Hotta Studio and publisher Level Infinite have released more details about the Version 2.3 update “Amidst Miasma” of their open-world RPG Tower of Fantasy, coming on February 2. This new update will add Chapter 9 to the main storyline, allowing adventures in a new area called The Miasmal Swamp. Furthermore, the new Fire character Rabbi will be reprinted starting January 22.

Tower of Fantasy Version 2.3 Trailer

Tower of Fantasy Main Story Chapter 9

Chapter 9 of the Tower of Fantasy Main Story will be added in the 2.3 version update! Players will be investigating the mysterious Miasmal Swamp and figuring out what happened to Outpost 10 after multiple communication attempts were in vain.

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The Miasmal Swamp

During rainy weather, the Miasmal Swamp, as implied by its name, is filled with a miasma that causes damage to characters, and the water level in the swamp also changes depending on the weather.

The map also features unique rocky terrain and a wide variety of tropical plants, and a variety of gimmicks, such as swamp rats and fluorescent mushrooms. Lastly, new powerful World Bosses will appear! When they reach the second stage in the battle, it activates more powerful skills and launches several powerful attacks over a wide area.

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Rabbi Gacha Return

The pickup gacha for the popular fire character “Rabbi” and the SSR weapon “Spark” will be held again from January 22 to February 2. The character and weapon, which both have the elemental resonance of fire, will greatly increase combustion damage when Rabbi’s skills and linked skills are activated after attaching other fire attribute weapons together.

When the weapon skill is activated, the “Spark” will simultaneously fire a “Blaze” debuff to the enemy hit by the weapon. Enemies in the Blaze state will have their normal attack damage dealt with increased. In addition, when the “Supernova Explosion” skill is used, the “Spark” enters charge form and continues to fire a broad flame beam forward, causing a huge explosion.

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