Octopath Traveler 2 Prologue Demo is Available Now on Consoles


Octopath Traveler 2‘s Prologue Demo is now out on consoles, with the PC release coming on February 9.

Octopath Traveler 2’s Prologue demo will let you pick from one of the eight protagonists of this new entry in the series, and gives you approximately three hours’ worth of content. After which the demo will end but saved data from this demo will carry over to the final release on February 24.

You can download Octopath Traveler 2’s Prologue demo now from the online storefront of the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

Octopath Traveler 2 Prologue Demo Trailer

About Octopath Traveler 2

Octopath Traveler 2 is a new entry in the series, telling a brand new story set in a different time period and different land. As such players that have never played the first entry can enjoy the second one without needing any prior knowledge.

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Octopath refers to the game’s eight protagonists and eight stories that are being told simultaneously, these feature characters like the Warrior Hikari, the Dancer Agnea, the Merchant Partitio, the Scholar Osvals, the Thief Throné, the Cleric Temenos, the Hunter Ochette, and, the Apothecary Castti.

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The new entry features various improvements including a day-night cycle that can alter what secrets and stories you can find in the world, multiple path actions also take advantage of the day-night cycle, letting you interact with the world in new ways.

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The game’s battle system also returns with the signature Boost Point system. As you battle you’ll earn Boost Points which you can spend on dealing more attacks or increasing the power of skills like healing.

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