takt op. Mobile 4th Trailer Confirms Late June Release


DeNA’s takt op. mobile game takt op. Destiny is the City of Crimson Melody released a new trailer that features the game’s prologue and that the game’s officially launching in late June!

The game also released the info of four new Musicarts, these being the Woman of Arlés, For Elise, Swan Lake, and Magical Bullet Shooter. These four characters are voiced by Chinatsu Akasaki, Manaka Iwami, Saishin Shimabara, and Kina Hitsujimiya respectively.

Along with this the game also released free LINE Stamps and announced that new comic series will be published on the game’s Twitter account, detailing the lives of its characters.

Takt op. mobile is set to be released for mobile devices in late June.

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takt op. New Characters

■ Woman of Arles – CV: Chinatsu Akasaki

A musicart based on Georges Bizet’s L’Arlésienne for the drama of the same name.
A young woman who made it her mission to care for others, always with a smile on her face and wanting to inspire others. As long as she can be depended on and help others, she’ll be happy. Some say to a meddlesome degree.

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■ For Elise – CV: Manaka Iwami

Based on Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Für Elise composition. A musicart the holds the power of score, and can be described as a noblewoman, and she’s as beautiful as a painting. While powerful, she regrets her weak physical body that doesn’t let her fight for prolonged periods.

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■ Swan Lake – CV: Cocoro Shimahara

Based on Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake ballet, this beautiful girl always has a smile on her face. Even in the midst of danger on the battlefield, she maintains an innocent smile on her face. She has questions about everyday occurrences and often speaks in a way that questions everything.

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■ Magical Bullet Shooter – CV: Hina Yomiya

Based on Carl Maria von Weber’s Der Freischütz, she is always happy and smiles even at the slightest trifles. She sees her own shortcomings as a part of her and is the pure embodiment of positive thinking, turning all failures into fun topics for discussion. Her straightforward and bright personality often attracts others to her.

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takt op. Mobile Pre-Registration Campaign

The game has also passed most of its pre-registration campaigns, with only the final milestone of 500,000 players left to be reached! Pre-registering for the game can net you several items including 10x gacha pulls on launch, upgrade sets to power up your Musicarts, gear, and bonds, and two new tracks to change the game’s BGM.

At 500,000 players, everyone will receive the aforementioned outfits and illustration in-game drawn by L.A.M! You can pre-register now for takt op. mobile by following the game’s official Twitteryoutube channel, and play store.

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takt op. Line Stamps!

Starting from February 14 the game also released free Line Stamps you can claim! These stamps are available for free from February 14 to March 13, 23:59 and you can claim these stamps for free by following the game’s LINE account.

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In addition, the game’s also pushing a new Twitter comic project, going over the musicart’s daily lives, and will be illustrated by the artist Aiwo (あいを). These comics will be released at a later date.

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About takt op. Mobile

takt op. Destiny is the City of Crimson Melody is a mobile game RPG based on DeNA and Bandai Namco’s takt op. multi-media project.

In 2067, 20 years after the events of the anime, the game is set in a universe where music can no longer be played because it attracts horrific monsters called D2s, which came from a black meteorite that fell from space several years ago. To combat the D2s, a group called the Symphonica Internal Organization and Musicarts was farmed, with people that have the power to fight the D2s through music.

The game itself is a 3D Turn-based RPG where you’ll control Musicarts to battle against enemies, executing beautifully rendered moves inspired by musical compositions. The game features a story mode, and multiple character story episodes so you can learn more about your favorite, and new characters.

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Takt op. mobile

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