Cendrillon palikA for iOS & Android Launches in Japan


Idea Factory’s Otomate brand has launched the smartphone version of the otome game Cendrillon palikA in Japan. The game is priced at JPY$3,800 and will have the same features as the Nintendo Switch version.

The story of Cendrillon palikA takes place in a beautiful “transparent city” made out of glass, which holds a curse. They cannot leave the city unless they wear something that is made of glass. However, even if you leave the city, not returning by midnight would turn you into a glass statue in a painful and agonizing death.

A girl who lives in this town suddenly earns a single glass slipper and is given one task: To change the Judgment Astrolabe located in the center of the city, in hopes of dispelling the curse. The other pair was given to six different men and a card. She knows nothing of the truth of the curse or the feelings surrounding the glass slippers either. But with numerous tears and fate overlapping, the curtain opens on this beautiful and sad story.

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Cendrillon palikA Game System

The first segment of the app is available to play for free. After which, you’ll be prompted to purchase the game, where you will be able to enjoy all the content in the game.

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The mobile version will have familiar mechanics to the other versions, including read/unread color text, a mode to quickly skip choices, swipe shortcuts to quickly save/load, flowchart and log with rewind functions, chapter selections, and more. Once you’ve downloaded the entire game content, you can enjoy the fully voiced stories even offline.

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The shortcuts available are single tap to advance dialogue or make a choice, double tap to return or bring up the menu, triple tap to bring up the jump/force skip menu, right flick to switch between Read/Forced Skip Mode, left flick to quick save or load, up flick to show the backlog, down flick to hide the dialogue window, and a single long tap will enable auto-advance for dialogue.

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Cendrillon palikA Characters

■ Hairi Lalique (Name Interchangeable) – CV: N/A

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■ Almaric Ela – CV: Natsuki Hanae

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■ Galle Kashika – CV: Noriaki Sugiyama

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■ Spinel Klone – CV: Daisuke Namikawa

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■ Peony Natra – CV: Kousuke Toriumi

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■ Westeria Rindo – CV: Kazuyuki Okitsu

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■ Clinochlore Shien – CV: Satoshi Hino

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■ Muller Ulen – CV: Yuma Uchida

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■ Schenider Eris – CV: Ari Ozawa

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■ Lalique Shion – CV: Taku Yashiro

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Cendrillon palikA Nintendo Switch PV

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