Recently the Engage Kill mobile game held a live stream announcing further details on the game, and in that live stream announced that Engage Kill is coming to iOS and Android devices on March 1!
The live stream also unveiled a bunch of gameplay details including how combat works, the element and weapon weakness system, bosses, trigger skills, and the game’s story content and where it fits in the “Engage” timeline. The game’s theme song “My Last Engagement” performed by Saya Aizawa and Arisa Kōri is coming to digital platforms on March 4.
▍Engage Kill Live Stream
▍Engage Kill Gameplay
Engage Kill is a part of the Project Engage multimedia project and takes place months after the events of Engage Kiss in a world still overrun by D-Hazards. You play as members of a PMC hired to deal with the D-Hazards, fighting alongside your allies and commanding them through battle.

The game features an elemental and physical weakness system based on 3 damage types. The system is color based and says that attacks from the red element deal more damage to green, green to blue, and blue to red. A separate damage type was also displayed with all of the icons greyed out, with the icons flipped.

The game will feature a “break” system when fighting bosses. As bosses have much higher health values, when you deal damage to them you’ll also lower the boss’ break gauge. Once it hits zero the boss will take even more damage, and are especially susceptible to ultimate attacks from your party.

The game also features an order system and trigger skills which work in tandem with each other. During the battle, certain abilities will be enhanced with a trigger, performing that action will exhaust trigger points in the process, and can also fulfill orders. Orders are mini-objectives you can complete during a fight, and completing them will enhance your attacks.
Some Orders require things like executing 4 trigger skills, defeating 6 enemies, or dealing 2000 damage to bosses.

To determine which character’s attack first, the game features a timeline system that displays who can act after which character. During combat, each character can perform a basic attack, assist skills, and ultimate attack.

The character also features a bond system letting you unlock their character stories, boost their stats, earn items, and titles, and also even get secret voices you can listen to from their profile. Character side stories will also pop up as you progress and bond with your friends, letting you learn more about your favorite characters from the series, old or new.

▍Engage Kill Launch Rewards
The game’s launching with a plethora of rewards from its pre-registration rewards, live stream bonuses, and even its start dash campaign. These include loads of gems, free 10 pulls, and a guaranteed 3-star gacha ticket for completing the start dash missions.
Pre-Registration and Livestream Rewards:
Beiron Dollar x100,000
Scout Ticket x10
3★ [Public and Private Partner] Kisara x 1
Orgonium x3,000 (Worth 10 Gacha Pulls)
an Unknown amount of character scout gacha tickets
Start dash Login and Mission Bonuses
Daily login bonus: x150 Orgonium (up to 1,500)
Mission completion bonus: x1,500 Orgonium, 3-star guaranteed scout ticket
