bilibili’s Higan: Eruthyll Launches Globally on April 6


After its soft launch in February, bilibili announced that the turn-based card and strategy game Higan: Eruthyll is officially launching globally on April 6!

Since the game’s previous soft launch, it has surpassed its 1 million players pre-registration milestone, granting everyone the free character Media on launch along with a bunch of other upgrade rewards!

As part of the announcement, the game’s also doing a retweet campaign to hand out ten USD$20 Amazon gift cards to lucky players. All you have to do is follow the game’s Twitter account, and retweet the Twitter post for a chance to win.

Higan: Eruthyll Pre-Registration Campaign

The game’s pre-registration campaign has reached its maximum amount of 1,000,000 players! As a result, everyone will receive 30,000 credit points, 10 Fine Wit Potions, 2 Advanced Elitr Enhancers, 6000 Starlight Releations, and the character “Media” for free in their mailbox when the game launches.

You can still pre-register for Higan: Eruthyll via the official website, by giving the game your email address or even your phone number.

Higan: Eruthyll

About Higan: Eruthyll

In a world where technology and magic have been successfully fused together, you take on the role of the leader of the Gopher Troupe in a war to wake up the people of the world from a deep sleep, caused by Fantasyland.

The game combines elements of card and strategy games, having you maneuver characters along a hexagonal grid while also issuing attack commands through cards. During sequences you can slow down the action with ‘bullet time, giving you more time to think about how to execute your combos and tactics, with the game’s variety of colorful characters,

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Higan-EruthylI_2_1-1200x750.jpg

Higan Eruthyll is developed by bilibili, and is actually the company’s very first self-developed mobile title. The team members consisted of people who worked on Genshin Impact, and other projects involving One Piece.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Higan-Eruthyll_4_2-1200x750.jpg

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t5kVKpDPe EEKenX2k96HJZjfvv5bnlDlSkiwN6A2tganaI6dir451fCKKsOjpLFbqmF Higan: Eruthyll | Global BiliBili Rate: 3.5 Install
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