Path to Nowhere Launches Story Chapter 9 Drifter Camp on March 7


Path to Nowhere released a new trailer, announcing that the latest chapters in the game’s story, Drifter camp, and the Rustfire Maxim event will be launching on March 7.

As part of the launch of chapter 9 and Chapter 10, players can pick up the new “Stalker” attire for the Cheif, hypercubes, and other materials by completing the Operation Summary. Chapter 9 will also be fully voiced while Chapter 10’s voice acting will come at a later date.

The game will also be adding the Aftersound of Death pickup gacha, which adds the S-class sinner Oak Casket to the game. The game is also adding new features such as updating the mirror system, a portrait adjustment system and more content.

Path to Nowhere Rustfire Maxim Trailer

Path to Nowhere Chapter 9 and 10

Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 are coming to the game! This section of the story focuses on the Rustfire saga, and we’ll once again be dealing with the Syndicate, but new faces including a few familiar like Bai Yi’s gang, and those involved with Oak Casket.

Chapter 9 of the story comes with full voice acting, and Chapter 10’s voice acting will be added at a later date.

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Path to Nowhere After Sound of Death Pickup

Path to Nowhere’s After sound of Death pickup gacha begins on March 7, 14:00 (Depending on Server time). The pickup asdds the new Reticle Tendency Oak Casket, and Fury Tendency Pacassi, and Catalyst Tendency Dudu, while also having an increase chance to earn Luvia Ray.

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■ Oak Casket

The latest in the Reticle Tendency lineup, Oak Casket has an attack range of 4×3 making her a more close-ranged ranged character than say EMP or Langley. What she lacks in range though,s he makes up for in damage and pure volatility, as her talent Secret Language and Psionic lament grants her increased damage to her basic attacks, and she can then appear ontop of a foe using Funeral Elegy to deal damage to multiple foes, and focus on a key target.

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■ Dudu

Dudu also joins Oak Casket, and is has a unique range that covers the area in front, and behind her. Her basic attack lets her heal allies marked by her ultimate skill, Song of Phoenix, which marks 1 ally and can restore their health immediately, and she can stack up to two charges of Song of Phoenix.

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■ Pacassi

Pacassi is a melee-oriented character that attacks with her fists while also dealing magic damage with her attacks. Her skill Thermonuclear reaction attacks all enemies around her, dealing 1 core damage and creating a field of radiation that saps the health of enemies over 10 seconds, while also increasing the damage they take! She’ll also be getting a new Winter Night outfit to celebrate the new story chapter.

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Path to Nowhere New Chief Attire

Along with the Path to Nowhere’s new story chapter, the chief goes for a change of clothes, earning the Stalker Chief attire for this new chapter, masking thie affiliation with the MBCC.

To go along with this attire update, you can also modify your the portraits of characters on the front page, letting you adjust their size and position on the screen to give you a better view of their model while the menus are opened.

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Path To Nowhere Rustfire Maxim Update 01

Mirror System Update and Interrogations

We’ll also be getting a new update to the archives called the Mirror System, which gives you new entires as you complete story chapters and can give you extra hypercubes! Dudu will also be getting her interrogation as part of the update, letting you learn more about this support-oriented character!

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Path To Nowhere Rustfire Maxim Update 06

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Path to Nowhere | Global AISNO Games Rate: 4.4 Install
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