Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō Anime Unveils Trailer, Theme Song, and April 5 Debut


The anime adaptation of Aoi Akashiro and Sonshō Hangetsuban’s manga, Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō / What God Does in a World Without Gods released a new trailer revealing its theme song, more cast members, and its official debut date.

The opening theme song for the anime is “I Wish” by Rin Kurisu, and the additional cast members for the show revealed were Rie Takahashi as Dakini, Mikako Komatsu as Rishu, and Ami Koshimizu as Gaia. These three also join cast members Kana Hanazawa as Aruaru, Sumire Uesaka as Shiruriru, Sho Fujisawa as Roy, Megumi Ogata as Kuren, Junichi Suwabe as Beltran, Aoi Yūki as Ataru, and Sho Hayami as Sōichirō Urabe, making for a pretty star-studded cast from the anime industry.

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō anime airs on April 5.

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō Trailer

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Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō New Cast

■ Dakini – CV: Rie Takahashi

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■ Rishu – CV: Mikako Komatsu

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■ Gaia – CV: Ami Koshimizu

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About Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō

Written by Aoi Akashiro and Sonshu Hangetsuban, the series also known as KamiKatsu began serialization on May 1, 2019, before it was later transferred to a web manga series on the Comiplex website. The series also received a spin-off manga titled Kaminaki Sekai no Onee-chan Katsudō / What My Older Sister Does in a World Without Gods, which features the main character’s incredibly jacked sister chasing after him.

The story follows Yukito Urabe, the son heir to the leader of a dangerous cult. After attempting to stop the execution of his friends, he is teleported into the distant future of the earth, where the concept of religion and gods no longer exist!

When he is inexplicably killed by the laws of the land, him and his friends are revived by the god his original world worshipped, but when she arrives she’s powerless due to having no followers! In order to prevent his town from being destroyed, he takes on the call to bring religion to the world, so everyone can believe in his gods’s power!

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Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō Staff

Original Work: Aoi Akashiro and Sonshō Hangetsuba
Director: Yuki Inaba
Spervisor: Yoshifumi Sueda
Series Composition: Aoi Akashiro
Character Design: Kaori Yoshikawa
Art Director: Kouki Nagayoshi
Art Setting: Masahiro Satō
Color Key Artist: Kana Soma
Director of Photography: Ayako Otsuki
Sound Director: Keiichi Nozaki
Sound Effects: Masaru Urahata
Sound Production: Dax Production
Music: Yasunori Iwasaki
Music Production: Lantis
Animation Production: Studio Palette

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudō Cast

■ Yukito Urabe – CV: Junya Enoki
■ Mitama – CV: Akari Kitō
■ Aruaru – CV: Kana Hanazawa
■ Shiruriru – CV: Sumire Uesaka
■ Roy – CV: Sho Fujisawa
■ Beltran – CV: Junichi Suwabe
■ Ataru – CV: Aoi Yuki
■ Soichiro Urabe CV: Sho Hayami
■ Dakini – CV: Rie Takahashi
■ Rishu – CV: Mikako Komatsu
■ Gaia – CV: Ami Koshimizu

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