Cygames recently announced on its official website that it established an American, and European branch of its company, titled Cygames America and Cygames Europe.
The announcement on the company’s website stated that a global business development team was established in 2016 following the release in Shadowverse, and two additional branches formed alongside the Korean and Taiwanese branches, in order to “further promote the Company’s titles outside of Japan”.
While the Company hasn’t stated what games the American and European branches will be responsible for, recently Uma Musume Pretty Derby also had releases in Taiwan and Korea to resounding success, and it has streamed the Uma Musume Road to the Top anime for free with English subtitles, so it has at least acknowledged the series’ presence overseas. It’s also likely that upcoming titles like Granblue Fantasy Relink and Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising could also be handled by these western branches.
Hopefully, this means better management in the future for any of its overseas releases, as recently Princess Connect Re:Dive was shut down, and that was a game by CygamesPictures but was handled by Crunchyroll.

▍About Cygames
Cygames is a Japanese developer and studio established by CyberAgent, and is responsible for many popular mobile games and anime titles, with a long history including The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls, Uma Musume Pretty Derby, Shadowverse, Princess Connect!, Granblue Fantasy, and many more.

The developers have been involved in several projects over its nearly 12-year history, and several corporate entities also have a stake in the company including DeNA, and Nintendo, who with its stake collaborated to create the now-defunct title Dragalia Lost.
