Goddess of Victory: Nikke Launches Bunny x 777 Event on May 18


Coming off of the game’s half-anniversary event, Goddess of Victory: Nikke is launching its next event, the Bunny x 777 Event!

This event adds a new story event to the game, login bonuses, and the pair Blanc and Noire to the game, along with a new costume gacha specifically for Rupee as she’ll be getting a new bunny outfit for her default character form. The game is also adjusting the power of certain characters, notably buffing the damage of certain SMG characters, and will be labeling the core damage value of all weapons in the game’s descriptions.

The Bunny x 777 event begins on May 18

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Goddess of Victory: Nikke Bunny x 777 Characters

The girls of the Coin Rush casino are making their way to the game, and this time a new event’s happening at the casino, with the winner earning a spectacular prize: a kiss from both Blanc and Noire!

Unfortunately for Noire, though she’s absolutely terrified at the prospect of locking lips with a complete stranger, so to help out her dear sister, Blanc has decided to plead to the commander to participate in the competition! The game will be adding two new pick-up recruitments on May 18 after maintenance, and on May 25, bringing both of these two beautiful SSR bunny girls to the game in their own separate banners.

■ Blanc

Blanc is coming to the game as an Assault Rifle wielding Nikke from the Tetra line and is a Defender. Her role has her set up a shield that can protect allies while constantly restoring HP and providing extra survivability for the ally with the weakest HP, letting her fulfill the role of a defender and pseudo-healer.

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■ Noire

Noire will be added to the game at a later date and is a Shotgun wielding Attacker Nikke from the Tetra Line. She has various attack buffs that can be active as long as she maintains a healthy amount of HP, and continuously buffs the squad’s attack using her Burst, while also further buffing the damage of shotgun wielders, making her a great addition to shotgun teams, and is a great fit with Blanc due to her shield.

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Goddess of Victory: Nikke Login Bonus

As with each event the game’s offering login bonuses, with upgrade materials, 300 gems, 10x recruit vouchers, Tetra VIP tickets, and Lucky Seven gifts to help you reach max bond with these two bouncy beauties!

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Goddess of Victory: Nikke Game Updates

The game also announced a few new updates to the game, with Nihilister’s Coordinated Operation returning on May 19, 12:00 (UTC+9) for commanders to earn some more broken cores for use in the recycling shop. Union raids are also coming back on May 26, and a new Costume Gacha will be added for Rupee’s Rabit Deluxe outfit coming soon.

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On top of that, the game added a Battle Simulation mode to interception, presumably meaning players can now do Mock battles with the interception bosses to try out their composition before risking a try on that boss. Certain SMG characters such as Soline, Epinel, Crow, and Miranda have also been buffed, with their skill values, Basic attack rate, and core damage being increased for them, possibly making them more viable in teams.

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0zDzOk32BAfnED8d0IipUQczahCDxTeWZq jh7t5op2hUl89lXt5eyXloiu69rc2zg Goddess of Victory: NIKKE | Global Level Infinite Rate: 3.3 Install
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