The Nier: Automata collaboration is finally here! The SINoALICE x Nier: Automata crossover event will run through 02:00, August 24, 2017- 00:59, September 27, 2017. Below is a breakdown of the many events held for the exclusive collaboration along with the new medal shop, event quests, and so much more.
▍Memories of the Dolls
There’s a total of 12 chapters for this new collaboration dungeon. The current hard chapters exclusive to the NieR:Automata collaboration will be released on the following dates (GMT+9):
• Hard mode Chapter 4-6: 01:00, August 31, 2017
• Hard mode Chapter 7-9: 01:00, September 07, 2017
• Hard mode Chapter 10-12: 01:00, September 14, 2017
Using 2B jobs (Breaker or Crusher) will allow you to view exclusive character stories, which can be accessed before the start of a stage. There will be a pop up warning message to let you know that you may be missing out on the story. It’s recommended to use any of the following four NieR: Automata character jobs (2B, 9S, A2, Emil) for bonuses.
▍Event Armor
You can obtain armor from Hard mode event stages. No.2 type B’s armor drops at a 5% rate with each armor piece increasing the effect of specific weapon type’s water skills. Collecting four as a set increases the effect of all skills against Beauvoir. Below is the armor drops and effects pertaining to each piece.
Increases effect of Water-element Instrument skills:
• 二号B型 グローブ[楽器] – 2B Gloves (Instruments)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[楽器] – 2B Boots (Instruments)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[楽器]- 2B Combat Uniform (Instruments)
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[楽器] – 2B Goggles (Instruments)
Increases effect of Water-element Staff skills:
• 二号B型 グローブ[祈祷] – 2B Gloves (Staves)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[祈祷] – 2B Boots (Staves)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[祈祷] – 2B Combat Uniform (Staves)
•二号B型 ゴーグル[祈祷] – 2B Goggles (Staves)
Increases effect of Water-element Hammer skills:
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[祈祷] – 2B Gloves (Hammers)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[打撃]- 2B Boots (Hammers)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[打撃] – 2B Combat Uniform (Hammers)
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[打撃] – 2B Goggles (Hammers)
Increases effect of Water-element Blade skills:
• 二号B型 グローブ[刀剣] – 2B Gloves (Blades)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[刀剣] – 2B Boots (Blades)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[刀剣] – 2B Combat Uniform (Blades)
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[刀剣] – 2B Goggles (Blades)
Increases effect of Water-element Tome skills:
• 二号B型 グローブ[魔具] – 2B Gloves (Foci)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[魔具] – 2B Boots (Foci)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[魔具] – 2B Combat Uniform (Foci)
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[魔具] – 2B Goggles (Foci)
Increases effect of Water-element Ranged skills:
• 二号B型 グローブ[射出] – 2B Gloves (Ranged)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[射出] – 2B Boots (Ranged)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[射出] – B Combat Uniform (Ranged)
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[射出] – 2B Goggles (Ranged)
Increases effect of Water-element Polearm skills:
• 二号B型 グローブ[長柄] – 2B Gloves (Polearms)
• 二号B型 ブーツ[長柄] – 2B Boots (Polearms)
• 二号B型 戦闘服[長柄] – 2B Combat Uniform (Polearms)
• 二号B型 ゴーグル[長柄] – 2B Goggles (Polearms)
▍Quest Objectives
Just like completing normal stages, you can obtain one Magic Jewel from first time you clear an even stage as well as one more Magic Jewel from clearing all Quest Objectives. Here are the current Quest Objectives to complete per stage:
• Clear in less than 5 minutes
• Clear without using any continues
• Use 3 weapon skills in the stage (for stages 1-6)
• Summon one Nightmare (for stages 7-12)
▍Event Missions
There are exclusive NieR:Automata collaboration missions which award Nier medals. You have until 15:59 September 27, 2017 JST to complete these missions.
• Every 5 quests cleared in co-op Mode, up to 200, will reward 50 NieR Medals with a maximum of obtaining up to 2,000 NieR Medals
• Every 10 quests cleared, including event quests, up to 500 rewards 50 NieR Medals with a maximum of obtaining up to 2,500 NieR Medals
• Evolving 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weapons rewards 50 NieR Medals with a maximum of obtaining up to 2,500 NieR Medals
▍NieR Character Jobs
Four new characters have been added, which can be obtained through the event gacha.
2B Breaker is given in every player’s gift box once the tutorial has been completed. 2B Crusher, A2 Breaker, 9S Paladin, and Emil Cleric can be obtained by rolling in the NieR gacha banner and obtaining their respective job weapons.
• Type-4O Blade Unlocks A2 Breaker• Cruel Arrogance Unlocks 9s Paladin
• Beastlord Unlocks 2B Crusher
• No. 7’s Staff Unlocks Emil Cleric
▍NieR:Automata Event Gacha & Event Gacha Medal Shop
The current NieR gacha pool will run through 02:00 August 24 – 00:59 September 11, 2017. A2 Breaker and Emil Cleric can be obtained in the current pool at increased rates while 9S Paladin and 2B Crusher can also be pulled but at reduced rates. 9S Paladin and 2B Crusher will soon obtain their own pickup pool soon at increased rates.
You have a 0.666% rate of obtaining A2 Breaker and Emil Cleric with a 3% rate at obtaining Emil’s Head, a non-job weapon. PULL AT YOUR OWN RISK or keep on whaling for 9S and 2B.
Rolling in Nier gacha rewards Tears of the Moon Medals, while rolling in the current normal SINoALICE gacha, Black Forbidden Tome Gacha – Book of Gretel, rewards Desire Medals. More items will be added to gacha as the 9S Paladin and 2B Crusher banner gacha’s appear.
You can purchase weapons and characters with Tears of the Moon Medals, purchasing weapons DO NOT unlock their corresponding job character.
• A2 Breaker – 1,500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• Type-4O Blade – 1,500 Medals (Limit of 5)
• No.7’s Staff – 1,500 Medals (Limit of 5)
• Emil Head- 800 Medals (Limit of 5)
• Lv.1 Breaker 2A Arcana – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• Lv. 1 Breaker Emil Arcana – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
▍NieR Medals
There are many ways to obtain NieR Medals, here are the following ways to obtain them:
• Clearing event stages (100 NieR Medals per clear, you can complete each event stage up to five times)
• Drops from defeated enemies in event stages
• Clearing event stages with collaboration weapons in your main or sub grid rewarding bonus drops
• S Weapons: Emil head, Type 3 Lance, and Iron pipe reward 1 extra drop and 2 extra drops instead when at maximum limit break
• SS Weapons: Type 4O-Blade, Cruel Arrogance, Virtuous Contract, Beastlord, No.7s Staff, rewards 3 extra drops with 4 extra drops instead when at maximum limit break
• Login Bonus, you can obtain up to 10,000 NieR Medals can be obtained by logging. Logging bonus resets at 05:00 JST
• Earn 500 medals a day up to ten times for logging in between August 25 and September 9 (maximum of 5,000 medals)
• Earn 500 medals a day up to ten times for logging in between September 9 and September 27 (maximum of 5,000 medals)
• Earn up to 7,000 Medals can be obtained from NieR Collaboration Missions
• Earn up to 6,000 Medals participating in Colosseum daily between August 25 and 26 September, each participation will earn you 200 NieR Medals
▍NieR Medals Shop
You can purchase many items from the NieR Medal shop. Such as NieR armor required for completing set for the extra bonus skills, exclusive NieR summons, and skill jewels. Here’s a list of significant items you can purchase:
• SS Beauvoir – 3,000 Medals (Limit of 1)
• SS Beauvoir – 5,000 Medals (Limit of 4)
• S Machine Lifeform – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• S Machine Lifeform – 3,000 Medals (Limit of 4)
• S Machine Lifeform (Gun) – 500 (Limit of 1)
• S Machine Lifeform (Gun) – 3,000 (Limit of 4)
• S Iron Pipe – 1,000 Medals (Limit of 1)
• S Iron Pipe – 3,000 Medals (Limit of 4)
• 2B Goggles (Polearms) – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• 2B Combat Uniform (Ranged) – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• 2B Boots (Tomes) – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• 2B Gloves (Foci) – 500 Medals (Limit of 1)
• Colosseum Jewel (II) – 250 Medals (Limit of 10)
• Colosseum Jewel (I) – 100 Medals (Limit of 30)
• Colosseum Support Jewel (II) – 250 Medals (Limit of 10)
• Colosseum Support Jewel (I) – 100 Medals (Limit of 30)
• Story Jewel (II) – 250 Medals (Limit of 10)
• Story Jewel (I)- 100 Medals (Limit of 30)