MMO RTS Grand Cross: Age of Titans Opens for Pre-registration Ahead of August Release


Grand Cross: Age Of Titans, the next-generation strategy game by Korean developer Netmarble, is now available for pre-registration on iOS and Android devices. The game has entered early access for Android players since last month, and soon iOS players around the world can tap into its strategic world at its launch. A PC version is also on the way, but details are yet to be revealed.

Set in a world where battles erupted due to the invasion of the armies of Chaos, Grand Cross: Age of Titans follows the duo protagonists, Mio and Eugene, who join forces with Princess Destina to build armies, construct buildings, and train troops to restore the war-torn territory. This 2D-animated MMO RTS features a range of single-player and multiplayer game modes including Castle War and main story chapters.


Players can now head to the official site for pre-registration and obtain a bunch of resources, free gems, and exclusive decoration items after it rolls out in August. Pre-order at App Store or Google Play also gives you an additional batch of rewards, so don’t forget to do both.

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Grand Cross: Age of Titans Pre-registration PV

Grand Cross: Age of Titans Gameplay

In Grand Cross: Age of Titans, battles erupted across the world of Skyna due to the invasion of Chaos. The main story unfolds when Mio and Eugene are summoned to the Skyna continent and meet Destina, the princess of the Kingdom of Skyna. Players will be tasked to battle against Chaos while taking territory as they progress through the game.

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Enjoy various strategic elements in field, siege, naval, and air warfare. Form a powerful army and engage in large-scale wars. Long-range archers and flying units can add a new strategic element to your game and turn the tide of battle. The giant battle weapon, Titan, is much stronger than other units and can deal great damage and destroy enemy formations regardless of the terrain

From customized troops, real-time controls, and special troops that can rain down fire from the sky to tide-turning Liege Skills and ultimate mecha weapons called Titans, players can make use of different strategies.

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MGY fZ4DEFjrvWgX51OdnoET4F6q3TLtGOybq4chcNh0pyP9rToiup3pZA6IBMQ6 31K GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans Netmarble Rate: 3.4 Install
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