Path to Nowhere the Phantom of the Mist Event Begins on August 15


Path to Nowhere is kicking off another event story, this time bringing the Phantom of the Mist event on August 15!

Like with its previous events, this one will bring along two new characters, the S-Rank Umbra Tendency Sinner Adela, and the A-Rank Catalyst Tendency Sinner Letta. Both will be added on August 15 and be available until August 29 (server time). The event will also bring with it a new game mode, two new attires for Roulecca and Eirene, and more.

Path to Nowhere the Phantom of the Mist Trailer

Path to Nowhere New Sinners

The Severance of Vexation Arrest banner begins on August 15, bringing the aforementioned sinners to the game!

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Adela is a high-damage umbra-tendency Sinner. When Adela uses her ultimate, she deals physical damage to all enemies in a 3×3 radius around her and enters the Mad Shears state with 30 marks.

The Mad Shears state increases her Crit rate, and Crit damage, and each hit also deals additional physical damage. Each attack will expend some marks from Mad Shears, but if she lands a critical hit, she has a chance to gain another mark of Mad Shear, and her critical damage continues to increase for every few stacks of Mad Shears she consumes! Adela is an incredibly high-damage character and will be a great addition in dealing with several enemies with a core, and for her massive crit damage potential.

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Letta meanwhile is an Arcane Tendency sinner that gathers energy to her Guiding Safelight instead of dealing with attacks, while also healing her allies, similar to Hamel. When she uses her ultimate, she transfers her Guiding Safelight to an allied Sinner, transferring its range and shielding all allied units instead. When she is not holding the safelight, the lamp’s energy starts to deplete, and it will be returned to her when emptied.

Letta makes an excellent alternative to Hamel if you do not have her, and can be useful as a member of your multiple team comps for guild content!

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Path to Nowhere will also be updating its Interrogations with the two new characters, letting you learn more about their backstory with a bit of voice acting.

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Path to Nowhere Phantom of the Mist Event

The event brings with it the Fog Alley event! This event brings the Misty Depths game mode where players can pick between different locations, before having to explore the streets over different nights. With each exploration, you’ll run across multiple scenarios and encounters, each one affecting the team you bring in with different items and bonuses to help you along your runs.

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The event will also bring with it once again new maps and gimmicks to deal with, this time it seems like there are several devices the player can activate to turn the tide against the enemies!

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Path to Nowhere New Attire

As part of the update, there will also be two new outfits you can pick up for Eirene and Roulecca! Eirene’s outfit will be available for purchase for a limited time featuring a much younger version of her, and Roulecca’s outfit can be picked up from the Youthful Mirth event game for free!


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