Pet lovers, rejoice! The second part of Tears of Themis‘ “Fluffy Fuzzy Time” event will arrive on August 24! This time, you will continue the fluffy journey with the lively and cheerful Pomeranian with Artem or spend time with a proud and mischievous navy-eyed Russian Blue cat with Marius.
Increase the pet’s Trust by interacting with it via feeding, calling, cleaning, and more. Bring them outdoors to trigger Outdoor Events with six different stories. Gain Trust Levels to unlock Pet Sound Communicator and various games with the pet! In addition, Artem’s dynamic Invitation “Amiable” and Marius’ dynamic Invitation “Together in Dreams” will be obtainable during the event.
▍ Tears of Themis “Fluffy Fuzzy Time II” Event
▍ Tears of Themis – Fluffy Fuzzy Time II
In this second part of the event, players can take care of an animal friend with either Marius or Artem. Once you’ve made your choice, you can feed the pet delicious Canned Food and Freeze-Dried Delicacies, and also keep the pet in good condition by calling for it and cleaning it regularly.

In addition, you can also take it on leisurely outings, which will trigger Outdoor Events. As you fulfill your pet’s Daily Needs, you will increase its Trust Level. S-Chips and other generous bonuses will be awarded if you manage to get a strong bond with your pet. And lastly, those who complete all Growth Memories can obtain the Love Messenger and Noble Cat event badges, and more!

▍ Shadow of Themis – Fluffy Fuzzy Time II
At the same time, a new Shadow of Themis featuring Luke and Vyn will be available! Both cards will feature a special card story that is sure to make you feel emotional toward these cute pets.
■ SSR [Fluffy Fuzzy Time II] Artem Wing – CV: Suwabe Junichi

■ SSR [Fluffy Fuzzy Time II] Marius Von Hagen – CV: Kaito Ishikawa

▍ Tears of Themis – Fluffy Fuzzy Time II Invitations
Artem’s Amiable Dynamic Invitation and Marius’s Together in Dreams Dynamic Invitation will both be obtainable during the event at the in-game Mall. Those who access the Mall can also enjoy a 20% off discount for the first 48 hours!
