Studio Ponoc Unveils Trailer for The Imaginary Novel’s Animated Film Adaptation


Studio Ponoc has released the first trailer for its anime film adaptation A.F. Harrold and Emily Gravett’s novel The Imaginary.

The animated film was originally supposed to be released in the summer of 2022, though the studio had to delay it due to “new challenges” as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic and its production methods. The film’s trailer also lists its cast members, including Kokoro Terada, Rio Suzuki, Sakura Ando, Riisa Naka, Takayuki Yamada, Atsuko Takahata, and Issey Ogata. The anime film will have further announcements coming soon, including the reveal of its English cast and other announcements.

The Imaginary anime film will debut in Japan on December 15, and worldwide in 2024.

The Imaginary film official Trailer Visual

The Imaginary Anime Film Trailer

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The Imaginary Anime Film Cast

■ Rudger – CV: Kokoro Terada

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■ Amanda – CV: Rio Suzuki

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■ Lizzie – CV: Sakura Ando

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■ Emily – CV: Riisa Naka

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■ Zinzan – CV: Takayuki Yamada

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■ Granny Downbeat – CV: Atsuko Takahata

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■ Mr.Bunting – CV: Issey Ogata

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The Imaginary Anime Film Staff

Original Work: A.F. Harold, Emily Gravett.
Director: Yoshiyuki Momose
Producer: Yoshiaki Nishimura

About The Imaginary

The Imaginary is a novel children’s novel written in 2014, by A.F. Harold and illustrated by Emily Gravett. The story follows a young girl named Amanda, and her imaginary friend Rudger on a bizarre journey where a sinister old man named Mr.Bunting hangs around Amanda’s door, with the rumor being that Mr.Bunting eats imaginary friends, and has sniffed out Rudger.

Left with no choice but to run for his life, Rudger goes on the run, but can he survive without a friend to dream him up?

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