Goddess of Victory: Nikke Adds Modernia’s Special Outfit on August 24


Goddess of Victory: Nikke announced that on August 24 it will finally be adding Modernia’s new outfit that she got as part of the half-anniversary popularity polls and original outfit campaign!

The game will undergo a brief maintenance on August 24, 11:00 [UTC+9] in which Modernia will receive the First Affection outfit, along with limited frames of the top 5 Nikkes including Modernia, Scarlet, Alice, Anis, and Rapunzel. The mini-event also brings forth a special event for a week, and a 7-day login event to grant bonus rewards and advanced recruitment vouchers.


Goddess of Victory: Nikke Modernia Login Event

The Modernia login event begins on August 24 after maintenance. Like with the previous login events the rewards are mostly the same in terms of rewards, though this time on day 7 you can pick up Advanced Recruit Vouchers, perfect to stock up on ahead of the upcoming NieR Collab!

Modernia Login Event 0 1

Aside from the login event, the game will be having another Full Burst Day event on August 26, and a union raid will begin on August 25, letting you stack up even more gems and resources ahead.

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0zDzOk32BAfnED8d0IipUQczahCDxTeWZq jh7t5op2hUl89lXt5eyXloiu69rc2zg Goddess of Victory: NIKKE | Global Level Infinite Rate: 3.3 Install
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