[Qoo Guide] The much needed Fate/Grand Order troubleshooting guide


If you are experiencing troubles launching TYPE-MOON’s Fate/Grand Order (FGO). this may be the place for you.

This amazing game was updated to version 1.11.0 few months ago. Some users have been complaining about not being able to launch the game ever since. This may be due to one of the following reasons:

Your Android device has undergone rooting.
Your iOS device has undergone jailbreaking.
You are using a modified device.
You are using an emulator.
USB debugging mode is on.

Still, there are a number of complaints about not being able to launch the game even though they are not in the situations mentioned above. In this case, you will need to get an error code.

After failing to launch FGO, you should be taken to your mail box automatically. Then you will find yourself looking at an email draft like this.


This is actually an error report that the game wants you to send. You don’t necessarily have to send it. Just remember the error code. The code can tell you everything.

Different error codes mean different solutions.

Error code: 43
USB debugging mode is on. Go to setting -> about phone -> build. Then you have to quick tap build five times to enable developer options. The developer options button should appear on the setting page if it’s done correctly. Turn off USB debugging mode on the developer options menu.

Error code: 92
The game you launch was modified. You have to reinstall the game.

Error code: 11, 23
These two codes are only applicable to iOS devices. They mean your devices are actually jailbroken. You have to remove your jailbreak in order to play the game.

Error code: 60
You device is rooted. Even if you have once tried rooting and failed, it is still possible to get detected. The game should be able to launch once the device is unrooted.

Error code: 01
It is possible that your game is installed/saved in the wrong place, i.e. memory cards. The code may be directed at a different problem though.

Unfortunately, Mr. Qoo does not have the solutions for some other errors. Still, hope you find this useful!

elp6k3hPfqnB0kL4OolsUyyK4OhOyaqS8gQC1RhDlnusZrCwUTR4d7eC7HkYpQJMPQ Fate/Grand Order | Japanese Aniplex Inc. :
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1 thought on “[Qoo Guide] The much needed Fate/Grand Order troubleshooting guide”

  1. Even with USB debug mode off still shows error code 43 I even turned off developer options send help

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