[Qoo Review] Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 1



A place where many geeks and con-goers alike can come together to enjoy a weekend on a winter wonderland. Con+Alt+Delete is a weekend adventure held every winter that gives con-goers one last celebration of anime and video games before the end of the year (13th – 15th December 2017).

Every year there are new additions and improvements following Con+Alt+Delete, in preparation for Anime Midwest, one of the biggest conventions held every year in Chicago.

With many new sights to venture throughout each year, new people to meet, amazing panels to attend and events held. Here’s a look of what you can get a taste following a love of Otaku culture.


Just like in every con, there’s always unique cosplays to find followed by unique and expressive individuals! With many amazing cosplayers, it was quite difficult finding these amazing people throughout the vast halls. Here’s a few that were roaming around on this day, you might recognize some!









YouTubers Out in The Wild

Con+Alt+DeleteAkidira and The Anime Man

Con+Alt+DeleteFrom left to right: Misty Chronexia, The Anime Man, Akidira, Gaijin Goombah

There were some surprising YouTube guest appearances! These youtubers that took on the anime community by storm have made an appearance to talk about their ventures creating content on YouTube, their roles in the otaku community, discussing anime, and overall just having a great time with fans around the convention.

Deadlift Lolita


Straight out of japan! The muscle duo themselves! Rocking that skirt like no tomorrow, pure manliness and power milk muscle!! Deadlift Lolita made a roaring entrance. Performing many of their top hits such as SIX PACK TWINS, Muscle Cocktail, and No More Tears. The crowd was pumping for more, Ladybeard, formerly from LADYBABY, and Reika Saiki are thunderous duo that spread the message of fitness and muscle. It was an exhausting workout being part of the enthusiastic crowd screaming for an encore.


There was even a surprise attack upon the duo! Being throw off-stage and split up among the crowd. Wrestling with their enemies while rummaging throughout the dance floor, as the crowds cheered for the strongest duo. An extensive battle with many kicks and punches thrown, Deadlift Lolita became victorious. This was an event that was unexpected but welcomed as they showcased their wrestling awesomeness!




Venue: Hyatt Regency O’hare, Rosemont, Illinois
Date: 3th – 15th December 2017




Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 2
• Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 3
The BEST cosplay at HKACG 2017
GameStart 2017 Cosplay Runway Photo Collection
• QooApp with Mel Kishida: How to incorporate stinky feet in Blue Reflection


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