Make sure you check out what happened on day 1 before you find out more about day 2!
Tons of new cosplayers roaming the floors of the con! With many new faces to meet, there was plenty of new cosplayers to interact with. Ranging from adorable cosplays to many fur suits appearing throughout the venue. This was a day full of hug signs and squeaks. There were some familiar faces, I wonder if you can recognize any below?
▍Panel Variety
There was an abundance of panels! Aside from the popular YouTuber panels, there was panels of all kinds flourishing throughout the convention. Many involving a variety of fandoms such as Yuri On Ice, Black Butler, Fairytail, Naruto, Bleach, Idolmaster, and a ton more! Hilariously enough, there were also panels that involved discussing certain types of anime genre’s and manga. Even with the most outrageous “Fanfic Reading”, each panel was a different experience full of laughs and joy with likeminded individuals.
▍Night of The Rave
With the day activities coming to an end, it was time to head out to the main room for an experience of nighttime. The all mighty rave! With an overflowing crowd of spectators, it was a room full of excitement and sweat pouring from the crowd as they pumped their fists in the air and jumped to the sound of the beat.
With many anime songs and videogame remixes blasting throughout the speakers, the crowd couldn’t contain itself as the bass would drop throughout every transition from song to song. It was a non-stop performance that I couldn’t stop enjoying myself.
Venue: Hyatt Regency O’hare, Rosemont, Illinois
Date: 3th – 15th December 2017
• Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 1
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