[Qoo Review] Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 3



It’s the final day of the con! A sad day for many as the hours ticked by but an exciting one nonetheless. As Sunday’s turned to be the laziest of all days for many, it’s time to pack up your bags and begin preparing for the next con. This was a day dedicated to catching up on merchandise and spending more time with the many otakus and mangakians out there. As not many activities occur on the final day, it was still packed full of cosplayers and fans enjoying the final day they could show off their inner geekiness.

Before you go ahead and enjoy this very last day, don’t forget to check out day 1 and day 2!








Vendors & Merchandise Hall


Aside from the wonderful cosplayers roaming throughout the convention center, there’s a dedicated area for your otaku shopping spree! With an abundance of manga, Japanese snacks, figurines, plushies, collectibles, cosplaying accessories and many more to buy, my wallet was screaming in a matter of minutes!


This three-day event is available throughout the weekend but is always advised to wait for the final day to do the most shopping. Can’t be emptying your wallet on the first hour if you haven’t eaten yet!! With plenty items still available, this was the most packed day with many rushing for items already selling out.


There were plenty of artists showcasing their artwork and taking commissions! With an abundance of small shops to look around, there’s always new items on display everyday and lots to fill your bags with.



There’s also separate area dedicated to board games of all kinds! Card games are also included! Venturing throughout this area you could find tons of merchandise to party up with friends or compete in card tournaments throughout the day. Many of these tournaments involved Pokémon, Vanguard Card fight, Yu-Gi-Oh, Luck & Magic, and many more! I gave the Pokémon tourney a try and there were already too many Pokémon masters to handle!

Special thanks to Anime Central, Tasty Peach Studios, Gnome Games, V.Kawaii, Purple Plum, all of the amazing cosplayers and fans for making Con+Alt+Delete possible!



Venue: Hyatt Regency O’hare, Rosemont, Illinois
Date: 3th – 15th December 2017



• Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 1
• Con+Alt+Delete Journey: Day 2
The BEST cosplay at HKACG 2017
GameStart 2017 Cosplay Runway Photo Collection
• QooApp with Mel Kishida: How to incorporate stinky feet in Blue Reflection


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