What are Dungeons?
In Lord of Dungeons, dungeons are a great alternative way in obtaining money and items! Profit is key! Conquering dungeons are part of further expanding your kingdom and recruiting monsters to defend those dungeons from enemy attacks. Dungeons may be rarer to encounter compared to items or monsters but they’re an important asset in making tons of profit!
▍Expanding Dungeons
Expanding your dungeon allows you to increase the size, popularity, amount of resources, and number of relics you can obtain. These expansions are indicated by the number of full and half-colored stars. You are limited to a maximum number of expansions per evolution, which reset after evolving with the number of stars increasing or decreasing.
Size: Increasing the size expands the maximum number of visitors that can visit your dungeon.
Popularity: The more likely visitors will visit your dungeon.
Resource: You can unlock and gain a higher number of rarer resources upon expansion.
Relic: Just like resources, you can unlock and gain a higher number of rarer relics upon expansion.
▍Evolving Dungeons
Evolving dungeons has its own advantages and disadvantages. You’ll have many options to choosing which branch to expand but there’s no branch to aim for as it comes down to what kind of resources you personally need. Once evolved, you can’t revert so choose wisely! You can view information for each dungeon and its evolutions (such as the size, popularity, resources, and relics per expanded level) through the Dungeon Expansion Info tab located next to the Evolve Tab. Use this when weighting your options!
Advantages: Unlocking rare and hidden relics and resources that may only be obtainable through specific evolved dungeons. Some may still require expanding to obtain the items or they may be unlocked automatically once evolved.
Disadvantages: Your size, popularity, resources, or relic levels may decrease once evolved. Which tend to happen when evolving dungeons with more obtainable items. This shouldn’t be much of an issue as you can further expand the dungeon with the required resources.
▍Stationing Monsters & Companions
Are your dungeons always under attacked? Are they not as popular? In Lord of Dungeons, monsters are not your enemy but your answer! You can have stationed up to three captured monsters in your dungeons, but you can’t do this at random!
One important detail you’ll need to keep a look out for is a monster’s condition. Pairing up monsters together may make them more likeable towards each other, increasing the popularity of your dungeon, which is then followed by an influx of visitors visiting! Another way to increase a monster’s likeness it’s through stationing and pairing of the same attribute as the dungeon. Such as stationing water monsters in a water dungeon and pairing water monsters together and vice versa.
Remember that these monsters will also be defending your dungeon. Make sure you recruit high level monsters that will be able to protect your dungeon from enemies!
This has its own downfall as the more popular your dungeon gets, the more likely it will overflow with visitors, which may lead to a collapsed dungeon. You will need to re-use resources to build back your dungeon and keep a closer eye on it. Below are statuses you should look out for:
Bursting: If a dungeon gets too crowded, this will show up. It may lead to your monsters going on strike or the dungeon collapsing. They can also be more susceptible to invasions.
Deserted / Idle: Once a dungeon has few visitors, it can either become idle or deserted. This will fail to generate any maximum profit and will hurt your pocket.
Pleasant: This is the status to strive for! Seeing this means that your dungeon has a suitable number of visitors and it will attract future visitors to your dungeon while also keeping your monsters happy. You will gain more profit by maintaining this status!
Besides stationing monsters, you can station companions which will unlock resources requiring. You can only station companions from the station tab. Leveling and ranking up these companions will increase their PRD, MNG, and TRS levels which will be required for unlocking certain relics and resources. Keep on adventuring and discover new dungeons!
• Lord of Dungeons: Town Management
• Lord of Dungeons: Area Management