[Qoo Guide] Lord of Dungeons: Companion Management


Playing Lord of Dungeons is like managing a company – you are the boss. Besides territories and money, you also own a number of companions that may either give you headache or advantages. Here is how you can get a team of successful individuals and bring out their full potential.

Recruiting Companions


Companions are your allies that will aid you in defeating your enemies. You can recruit a variety of companions from the shop. The recommended option is the 10 Special Recruitment for 490 diamonds, which gives you access to one guaranteed companion at Master rank.


The shop is not the only way to recruit companions, you have access to recruiting companions through the Tavern located in the Town. At first, you’ll only have access to low ranking companions but as you upgrade your tavern (max level 10), you’ll have access to more and higher rank companions with the possibility of rare companions appearing.

As you recruit companions, be cautious of your inventory. Beginning with 200 slots, you can upgrade to 10 extra slots with 10 diamonds. The maximum number of slots you can unlock is 600. Meaning approximately 4,000 diamonds are required to reach the maximum amount, time to stack up!

Combat, Explore, & Station Companions


Companions will be placed in the following three categories:

Combat: These companions can only be used for attacking and defending. These companions can only be used for attacking enemies and defending your land.

Explore: These companions are used for exploring areas. The higher the rank and level of a companion, the more dangerous areas it will be able to explore if it meets the MOB requirements of each dungeon.

Station: As you conquer dungeons, you’ll have the option to station companions which will unlock resources and relics encountered in the dungeon.


Ennoble titles are unlockable with resources. Ennobling your companions rewards a stat bonus depending on the title they have received. Depending on the total amount of their title values, each companion receives a damage bonus during combat. Meaning the more titles, a companion has equipped, the more damage it will inflict in battle.


While in battle, if a companion’s total amount of title values is higher than the opponents, it receives a 3% bonus when dealing and receiving damage up to a 15% bonus.

Upgrading & Leveling Up

Upgrading a companion rewards a stat boost with a limit of upgrading them up to +10. You can upgrade by sacrificing another companion of the same kind and upgrade level. Below are the additional stat bonuses:

+1 – Increases stats by 20 levels

+2 – Increases stats by 20 levels

+3 – Increases stats by 20 levels

+4 – Increases stats by 20 levels

+5 – Increases stats by 20 levels

+6 – Increases stats by 20 levels

+7 – Increases stats by 40 levels

+8 – Increases stats by 40 levels

+9 – Increases stats by 40 levels

+10 – Increases stats by 60 levels

Leveling up companions provides additional stats. Stats that can be leveled up are PRD, MNG, and TRS. Each grade has a level cap up to the Mythic rank with a max level of 200.

Ranking Up


Ranking up a companion’s grade raises its stats per grade title. The number of stats per grade varies on the companion’s current rank. Below are the current ranking available to level up towards to. Ranking up a companion doesn’t require ranking up per title one by one, if you have the available resources, you can rank up towards the highest title with sufficient resources: Novice Uncommon Rare Ancient Legendary Immortal Mythic.

Team Building

You can use a combination of both monsters and companions to battle. The following classes are usable in battle: Shield Knight, Mage, Archer. Adventurer, and Healer. Using a combination of these classes will allow you to win battles but their strategic ways to build your team for both defending and attacking.


Use a combination of Shield knight and Adventurer for front row. It’s recommended to always have a Shield knight equipped due to their high amount of HP and Defense. Adventures can deal lots of damage, having a Shied or two helps block incoming attacks on your backrow if the other opponent has an abundance of Archers or Mages.

As for defending, using the same combination for attacking helps but a defending team of Shield knights in the front row along with a combination of Archers and Mages will leave your opponent struggling to break the frontline.  


Lord of Dungeons: Dungeon Management
Lord of Dungeons: Town Management


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