[Qoo News] Novel and anime series Joker Game is getting a stage play in May



After a live-action movie and an anime series, novel series Joker Game(ジョーカー・ゲーム)is going to be made into a stage play. The show will open from 4th January to 7th January at Zepp Blue Theater Roppongi(Zeppブルーシアター六本木).

The screenplay is by Daisuke Nishida(西田大輔), who has written the Sengoku Basara’s(戦国BASARA)play. The cast has been decided but their roles are yet to be revealed. The main character Sakuma(佐久間)will be very likely portrayed by Shogo Suzuki(鈴木勝吾), who has played Chikage Kazama(風間千景)in Hakuouki Musical(薄桜鬼 ミュージカル).

Joker Game is originally a detective novel series by Koji Yanagi(柳広司). It has been made in an anime series in April last year. A live-action movie also premiered in January 2015. The story is set in 1937, the time right before the World War II. The Imperial Japanese Army found the secret D-Agency to train spies. These agents, including the protagonist Sakuma, then start living a life of danger and a life in secrets.

Official Website: Joker Game

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