[Qoo Guide] Getting Started: Dance Killer Trick!!! – Boys, be DANCING! –


KONAMI’s otome rhythm game Dance Killer Trick!!! – Boys, be DANCING!- (ダンキラ!!! – Boys, be DANCING! -) officially launches today (21st May). To start the game, here are some tips that you will find useful.

Fully Voice-acted Main Story

The fully voice-acted main story featuring renowned voice cast is undoubtedly a highlight. Players can read more story when they increase their rank. Character story and card story is also available so that players can learn more about individual characters.




Every player will have a ★1 version of every character and you can obtain the  ★3-5 cards in the Gacha. 135 gems are needed to draw the Gacha ten times and the probability is stated below:



Dance Battle

There are currently seven songs available and you can select the songs in easy, normal and hard mode.


In the dance battle, you will be battling against a default team and the team’s ability will be higher in the hard mode.


The team that earns more applause from the audience will win the dance battle.


During battles, you can perform Killer Trick (signature moves) by tapping the below button and you can choose which character to be the center of trick. You are highly suggested to perform Killer Trick when an exclamation mark appears on the screen. The applause will increase in this period.


Once you tap the Killer Trick button, you can choose a partner and the Soul Link (Intimacy) between the characters will affect the final score.




Cards training can be done in the Training session and you can increase the card’s levels with Dancer Note.


You can also increase the card’s abilities (Body, Technique, and Spirit) in the dancer tree. Strengthening Materials, which can be obtained during Dance Battles, will be needed to upgrade the ability. Character story can also be obtained.


Soul Link System

The Soul Link System can be found under the Dancer button.


Soul Link between two characters by giving presents to each other. Please noted that each character has a preference on certain items.



The Errand system will open when players reach rank 5. Items can be obtained when the errand is finished. The Soul Link between the characters will also increase.


Daily Mission


  1. Win 3 dance battle (Without using automatic ticket)
  2. Perform Killer Trick for 3 times
  3. Run 1 errand

5 germs will be obtained when the above mission is clear.

Weekly Mission

Weekly Mission can be completed for each characters and the items obtained will be different for each character.


  1. Choose that character as center when performing Killer Trick
  2. Perform Killer Trick with that character as center/ partner
  3. Give presents to that character

Bind Account 

You can bind your account in the top left corner.





Enter your email address and create a password. A code will send to you later.


Editor’s Comments


Konami is always good at doing music game and the music in this game will not let you down. Although there are only seven songs to play with, more songs are expected to be released in the future. The game follows a rather typical idol story, but the 3D dancing scene is still pleasant to watch. The dancer units are distinguished by different dancing style and the dance moves really respond to the styles.

However, the gameplay is rather similar to other rhythm game and I am not sure whether it will stand out.

More information about the story and characters can be found below:

Official Site

Official Twitter

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