Konosuba first smartphone RPG “KonoSuba: God’s blessing on this wonderful world! Fantastic Days!” (この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!ファンタスティックデイズ) officially launches today (27th February).
▍Opening Movie
『#このファン』 ゲームオープニングムービー公開??#このすば 原作キャラクターや
プレイアブルキャラ19人が総出演?#アクア や #カズマ たちの連携など、見所満載です??
ぜひご覧ください?#この素晴らしい世界に祝福を pic.twitter.com/7LTwH2J8Wn
— 【公式】この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!ファンタスティックデイズ(このファン)<このすばスマホゲーム> (@konosubafd) February 17, 2020
The game revolves around Kazuma and his party who is crippled with debt. Players will have to clear quests to earn money to pay back the debt of 450,000,000 eris.
It also allows players to form teams with the characters from the KonoSuba series and unleash their unique skills during battles. You can also revisit the important scene of the series from the fully-voiced main story and game-exclusive original story is also available.
Increase the intimacy level with the characters and you will be able to collect the game-exclusive character voices!
ぜひ遊んでみてくださいね?#このすば pic.twitter.com/eMTULUSHpN— 【公式】この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!ファンタスティックデイズ(このファン)<このすばスマホゲーム> (@konosubafd) February 24, 2020
▍Pre-registration Rewards
To celebrate the game launch and pre-registration reaches 700,000, all players will be able to obtain ★4 character guarantee gacha ticket x 1 and Quartz X 5000 for 16 times gacha.