[Qoo Guide] Monster Strike x Final Fantasy 5★ character guide – Cloud Strife



In this Japanese Monster Strike x Final Fantasy event, there are three 5★ characters for gacha, including Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII , Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII and Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. These characters are extremely powerful compared to other characters from other crossover events, and they are a bit tricky to use. Here is how you should get the best out of them.

Cloud Strife(クラウド)



Type: Power
Element: Dark
Impact: Bounce
Class: Ajin
Skills: Null damage wall/Ajin Killer + Null magic circle
Bump combo: Emits lock-on piercing shockwaves in the targeted direction
Strike shot: Uses Omnislash on the enemy that Cloud touches first


HP – 20537 (+3900)
Attack – 20073 (+1950), successful gauge – 26428, ajin killer – 39641
Speed – 296.43 (+29.75)

Tips for using Cloud:

1. The shockwaves work better for short distance attack.
2. The SS must be aimed for the weak point, otherwise it deals almost no damage.
3. The higher the monster’s HP is, the more damages the SS deals.

Cloud is best used for playing the events/stages below (on impossible level or above):

1. Izanagi Zero17021707395783
Element – light
Gimmicks – warp, magic circle

Null warp is necessary in this stage, but having three null warps should be enough. Plus Cloud being a dark character deals more damages on the light Izanagi Zero.

2. Akasha
Element – dark
Gimmicks – warp, magic circle, damage wall

Same with Izanagi Zero, having three null warps should be enough. Cloud being a dark character can resist damages from the dark Akasha.

3. Tower of Champions (the 40th floor)

Element – light, dark
Gimmicks – magic circle, gravity barrier, damage wall

Gravity barrier can be overcome by sticking Cloud in the gap between the wall and monsters.




Suitable fruits:

1. “熱き友撃の力”

Cloud’s shockwaves are very powerful in terms of short distance attack. Enchancing bump combo makes it more useful.

2. “スピクリの力”

Cloud is quite slow. A higher speed helps gain more hits.

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