[Qoo Guide] Beginners Guide to Netmarble’s Knight Chronicle



Netmarble’s new Japanese mobile title, Knights Chronicle, is a mobile RPG that revolves around the theme of reincarnation. Players are offered a main story. Asides from the mains story players can farm materials in special dungeons and event dungeons, just like any other typical mobile RPGs. The game is quite similar to Netmarbles Korean title, Seven Knights, but features a few different aspects that makes the game a little different that its Korean brethren.

The game has been out for around a week, here’s a quick guide on what to do to make your initial ride a little smoother.

Re-Rolling Keep or Discards


Re-rolling isn’t really for everyone, for those who just wants to jump into the game and go with whatever lady luck gives them the just skip this section entirely.

To re-roll, for most people it will just be uninstalling and reinstalling the game. An important thing to know before you start re-rolling is that in-game names cannot be duplicated in Knights Chronicle, so if you’re planning to re-roll be sure to use a random name you don’t mind losing. For those who have already made an account with their desired in-game name, you can always just change the name under the settings page. You can also change to your desired in-game name (if its still available) when you’re happy with your first draws.


Picking your first draw is not about having the most five star characters. Life is unfair, both in reality and in-game, some characters just have higher specs naturally. For your first picks, you want to make sure you have at least one White Knight for an easy start game. The White Knight heroes are rarer heroes with high stats than your average heroes, White Knights also have snynergizing passives that boosts the stats of all other White Knights in the team (stat boost depends on the White Knight).


The first proper draw you get in Knights Chronicle is right after the prologue on the page below:


On this draw it is already possible to get a 5 star character, you can tell if the character is five star or not on what color the orb turns into (Gold = Five Star Character). After this initial draw, the next draw is the important one. After the first stage, due to the game’s launch celebration, players will receive 200 diamonds which is enough for a 10x summon the gacha page.  If you’re lucky and do get a White Knight then you’re good to go.

Initial Goals


Your primary goal should be to clear dungeons. The reason for this is because clearing dungeons is the easiest way to level your account level. Account level unlocks different features in Town, from Gold Mine to the Laboratory  which allows you to transmute lower tier rank-up materials to higher tiers. Features like Events and Arena are unlocked upon completing certain stages, Event is an important feature to have and is fairly easy to unlock so personally I recommend focusing on nothing but progression until you have it unlocked.


Your second goal is to develop your strongest character. This includes leveling up and ranking up. Using the EXP fodders for easy level ups, you can easily max level your character in a day. Every day in the event page a different daily dungeon will offer different types of rank-up materials as clearance rewards. There’s no rush early on to develop your characters as the difficulty curve is quite friendly towards new players. Save up all your max leveled characters and rank them up when the day is right. TIP: When farming for materials join a co-op team at the hardest difficulty and get carried, just have a five star character or higher to seem like less of a liability.


Every day there is also a time limited EXP dungeon and Gold Dungeon. Farm these as much as possible to easily get characters to max level for rank-up.

Once you feel that your team has a solid foundation you can explore PvP and different events the game has to offer.

Diamond Usage (After the Initial 10x Summon) and Packages

Tempting as it may be to continuously draw heroes from the Gacha, there are more efficient ways to use your diamonds. Prioritizing in expanding your Character Box will allow you to make the most out of the time-limited EXP Dungeons. Every account starts off with 50 storage and requires 10 diamonds to expand the capacity by five.


For looking for an easier start to the game, buying the Rank Achievement Pack (highlighted below) is an affordable way to gain a abundance of diamonds as you progress in the game. The initial 30 levels can be easily accomplished and the rewards they give is more than enough for you to expand your Character Box significantly. Once you have 100 max storage, you can even start using the diamonds in the Gacha to try your luck.


With the info above, you should be able to get quite an easy start in Knights Chronicle. Good luck!

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