[Qoo Guide] Everything you can do to get higher marks in BanG Dream!


Even though we are an impeccable expert in a particular song, a slip on the screen happens sometimes. Yet, a band consisting of high level characters can manage to get us the perfect S rank still.

Sadly, we don’t have many good characters and gems for gacha to begin with, and it’s hard to use the ★1 default characters to get past C rank in a song. As a fan of some songs featured in the game, I was angry, depressed and I suffered in angst as I never got past C rank.

But some tricks saved my life, and now I can sort of call myself a pro at one song.

Beginners can follow the steps below in order to get a good rank fast!

1. Collect gems fast for gacha

The truth is: even those ★2 characters allow you to perform MUCH better than the default ★1 ones. The game don’t usually give out gems for gacha out of a sudden. We have to really get involved in the game to get rewards. Beside jamming each available songs to get gems, don’t forget to read the “main story ” and “band story” for more rewards!


Reading “band stories ” can unlock new members and their respective songs. The members of Poppin’ Party are the default characters, so we don’t get any new characters but rewards for reading their “band story “. We have to use each band every once in a while to unlock their latest chapter, and this means unlocking more gems!


Just a tip here: you can skip the whole story if you are just for the rewards. There is a “skip” button hidden under the “menu ” button on the top right corner.


2. Get more experience 

Of course jamming songs all by ourselves and our fantastic skills gets us a lot of experience points (for both the player and the band members), which actually results in higher marks. Working hard is a must, but we can in fact use a trick to save us a few sweats!

And that is playing in multi live sessions!


We can join random players’ rooms to jam a song together by accessing the regular rank rooms. Each room consists of five players. Each player can choose a song he/she prefers, then the system will randomly draw one song from all players’ choices. Even though they play the same song in this mode, they can choose their preferred difficulty.


The advantage of multi live sessions is that it usually gets us higher marks and thus it levels up the characters fast. There are many pros out there playing multi live sessions. Playing with them certainly helps level up a lot.

Tip: we can open a room and let other players join as well.


Under the “private ” button on the bottom left corner, choose “作成 ” to make a room. The first blank field is the room name, and the number below is the default room number. We should always remember the room number if we want to let our friends join us.


Under “入室 ” is a blank field where we can enter our friends’ room number and join their games.


Other normal ways to gain experience points include checking out characters’ dialogue around the map.


Training and practice works as well.



3. Increase the bands’ parameters 

There are shops like the one below around the map. These shops sell really useful items that enhance our bands’ stats. All items are made specially for different bands, so it is best to read the description to see which band an item is for before purchasing.

The good thing about it is that the game is very generous with giving out in-game money. Therefore it is absolutely possible to purchase a lot of enhancement items.


I don’t know about you, perhaps you are just playing for leisure not achievement, but I am aiming for that S rank in Tengen Toppa’s theme song Sorairo Days. Believe me – I was able to get an A in just a few days by following the steps above. And I didn’t even pay for anything!

See you all on IMQoo and perhaps we can jam a few songs together to get those delicious experience points!

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