Attack On Titan Brave Order Tier List – Who is the Best Character?


If you are a fan of Attack on Titan, you shall not miss the recently released Attack on Titan Brave Order, a turn-based mobile RPG that features cute chibi-stylized characters from the beloved franchise. Get the best 4-Star heroes to defeat the pesky Titans and rise the rankings of Survey Corps with our Attack on Titan Brave Order Tier List!

Keep in mind that this Attack on Titan Brave Order Tier List is according to our own observations and players can feel free to use whoever they find best to use.

S Tier

Levi (Survey Corps Cloak)

Attack On Titan Brave Order Tier List – Who is the Best Character?

Levi (Survey Corps Cloak) is one of the best DPS heroes available in the game and has the highest base Attack in the game at 954. He is capable of increasing his own Attack power even further with his ability called Lightning Store Fire.

He also does great single targeted DPS with his 1st and 2 nd abilities which are excellent for killing major boss Titans in the game. Levi (Survey Corps Cloak) also does 562.5% single targeted damage with his ultimate ability, Interesting and Sloppy.

Mikasa (Survey Corps Cloak)

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Mikasa (Survey Corps Cloak) has a high Defense base stat but she can be played as an Attack type brawler due to her ability to boost self-Attack as well as Evasion rate by 1.1 and 1.2 times respectively.

She also increases Hate with her skills which leads to additional damage against Titans. She also does a huge single target nuke with her ultimate ability, Return Eren that makes her top this Attack on Titan Brave Order Tier List.

Erwin (Survey Corps Cloak) 

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Erwin (Survey Corps Cloak) is a great support unit, who has the highest Avoidance and Agility among all heroes in-game. Erwin (Survey Corps Cloak) is also a great buffer for the team as he is capable of increasing the overall damage output of all allies on enemies.

These makes him a must for multiplayer PvE content like the Raids as his damage increase can significantly improve the total damage dealt to enemies. He can also increase the Defense of a single ally and provide Faint effects to all allies.                    

Historia (Survey Corps Cloak)

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Historia (Survey Corps Cloak) has the highest Recovery and Special Attack base stat in the game among all heroes. She is one of the best healers in the game as she recovers HP of all allies by 300% as well as provides a 30% recovery buff.

Her 2nd skill provides a single target heal to any ally of choice and removal of all debuffs. This makes her top tier for Arena and Main Story stages as she increases the overall endurance of the team with her consistent heals.

A Tier

Jean Kirsten (Training Corps)

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Jean Kirsten (Training Corps) is a pure Tank that is capable of increasing his own Defense by 40% as well as Provoke a single enemy.

This skill is really useful in PvP where players can Provoke opponent DPS heroes to attack Jean and neutralize the damage. Apart from that, Jean also has anti-heal and stun debuffs to lock enemy targets. 

Eren (Survey Corps Cloak)

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Eren (Survey Corps Cloak) is the only hero who can self-buff himself 2 times repeatedly with his 1st and 2nd skills. He can increase his own Attack by 1.25 times and 1.15 times for 30 and 20 seconds respectively. 

His ultimate skill is a single targeted damaging skill that deals 625% of his Attack as damage plus an additional 90% damage.

Annie (Training Corps) 

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Annie (Training Cloak) can increase her own Defense by 1.2 times for 40 seconds. She is like a secondary pseudo-tank that can help mitigate all the damage received by allies by 120%.

She can also take cover for any ally with her 1st skill Konoe’s Duties which makes her a great tank for PvP.      

Sasha (Survey Corps Cloak)

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Sasha (Survey Corps Cloak) is a good supporter, who can inflict Darkness debuffs to all enemies which makes them susceptible to miss their attacks. She also grants Recovery buff to a single ally along with healing them with her first skill Treatment which is on a 20-second cooldown.

Other than that, she increases her own Attack with her Support passive skills which don’t make sense as her Attack isn’t good, and neither her multipliers on damaging skills are good. Sasha (Survey Corps Cloak) is the next best choice as a healer if players are unable to get Historia (Survey Corps Cloak).

B Tier

Mikasa (Training Corps)

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3-star Mikasa (Training Corps) has a decent base Attack of 777 and is able to deal a good amount of damage to both single target enemies as well as all enemies. She can also buff her own Attack by 1.2 times her Attack for 20 seconds.

Her ultimate ability I Am…Strong is an AOE targeted damaging skill that deals 625% of her Attack damage to all enemies plus an additional 90% damage. Mikasa (Training Corps) is a great DPS unit if you do not have Levi (Survey Corps Cloak).

Eren (Training Corps) 

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3-Star Eren (Training Corps) is capable of reducing the damage taken by all allies by 40% with his ultimate skill I’ll Destroy It. He is capable of increasing his own Defense with his Support skills.

He also increases Hate by 500% with his 2nd skill while maintaining his position as a solid tank. One of most useful 3-Star unit in the Attack on Titan Brave Order Tier List.

Berthold (Training Corps) 

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3-Star Berthold (Training Corps) is an interesting unit as he does not heal at all as a supporter.

He provides a multitude of buffs including an Endure buff which makes all allies who take lethal damage stay at 1 HP but not die. This is extremely useful in certain PvP teams and can make use in some boss stages which deal high single target damage. However, as he does not have any recovery skills he lacks in his job as a Recovery type unit.

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