The mobile version of The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia strategy RPG has made its way to QooApp Game Store! To celebrate its grand launch, QooApp is giving away 150 iQ for 2 lucky players to purchase this paid game!
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For those who do not familiar with the game, The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia is a single-player strategy RPG by an Indie studio that boasts all the classic elements of a grand strategy game like meeting new heroes, developing new alliances, conquering other nations, managing cities, and troops, and lastly, fulfilling your wishes to be a monarch.
▍Choose Your Own Path Among Many
The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia is an interesting title with more than one single backstory. The game’s plot is made of multiple stories that players can unveil as they travel through the lands of Eagarlnia and interact with heroes from different civilizations. When you start the game, you would choose your own civilization, which grants you different stat boosts or tactical boosts to your troops.

Players can further branch out to different nations by either invading them or through diplomatic relations. Make them either your ally or foe would change the status quo with these nations. Players can further negotiate with them to increase trade and profits for their own profitability. Treaties can be formed with different cities and nations to boost trade, capture cities, territories, or simply an exchange of gold.

The whole aesthetic of being a Monarch along with the apt background music provides a rather indulging experience considering that you have to make various strategic choices to keep your nation ahead of others.

▍Turn-Based Strategic Gameplay with Chibi Characters
The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia is not your usual turn-based strategy game or RPG but is a varying mix between the two. The core gameplay isn’t actually the combat but the decisions you make in several departments like Negotiating, Military, Diplomacy, Politics, Taxes, and Trades, Managing Income distribution, Recruiting Allies, and finally, fighting with your troops in battles.
The last part is where players can experience actual action in classic RPG styles where each hero on the battlefield has their own unique skills that can be activated simply by tapping them or players can let the game play by itself using the Auto mode. The latter is recommended when your team has higher military power than the opponent nation’s military.

The usual battle takes place on a map of your nation in a classic turn-based style where each civilization gets to take its turn. As the game is single-player, the player will get to move till he is left with 0 heroes on the map. The core gameplay revolves around outdoing opponent civilizations while growing your own by expanding territories, increasing trade and income, as well as using that income to recruit and train heroes.

▍Diplomacy and Politics Makes it Even More Interesting
The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia, as we discussed follows the usual tropes of grand strategy games, thus diplomacy and politics makes another crucial part. Players can unlock several functions under this tab as they progress through the game and understand more about the different mechanics of the game. This tab gives players different options, including Sabotage, Treaty, and Lobby.
This gives the players all the choices they want on how and when to expand their territory. Diplomatic relations are usually handled by your nation’s Diplomat, on the other words, heroes who have high Attribute number value in Politics.

▍Assign Heroes According to Their Speciality
In this game, players would have to choose heroes to complete different tasks. For example, at the beginning of the game, the players have to select which heroes to fill the position of Chancellor, Diplomat, Marshal and Treasurer. Your decision will largely affect the process in conquering Eagarlnia.

Chancellors will be the main head of all your operations and will require high attribute points in Politics and Charisma. Diplomat will be your main hero when you want to indulge in negotiations with other nations.
Marshal shall be your chief of the army and will need high attribute points in Fight as he will command the army, train your troops, and recruit new heroes from cities under your nation’s control. Lastly, the funding for all of these operations will be handled by the Treasurer who will need to be extremely witty and smart, having high attribute points in Intelligence.

▍Build the Strongest Army
The land of Eagarlnia has a magical mix of all the types of fantasy heroes like Orcs, Mages, Sorcerers, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Valor Knights, etc. Players can find and collect new heroes through different missions or through sending your currently employed heroes out for searching. The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia boasts over 350+ different heroes to collect and some of them have their own special artifacts, that further make them stronger.
On the other hand, players can get heroes and equipment directly from the Store as well if they are having a good economy and flowing in money. You can also recruit heroes in exile by providing them shelter and food.

▍Command and Conquer Eagarlnia
The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia gives the players all the options they need to customize their domination in Eagarlnia. The gameplay might be difficult to learn at first, but the tutorial provides a great overview of all the activities needed to be done to succeed in becoming the Monarch of Eagarlnia.

The game is extremely casual friendly in all of its aspects and does not require players to forcefully play till any certain point. Players can diversify the way they want to play the game and choose their starting civilizations by making different save data in the main menu. The game also has a handy Auto-Save feature in case you forgot to save the game before closing.

▍Should You Play The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia?
The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia is a great blend of different options just like what you would expect from a grand strategy RPG. It follows its own unique lore and every hero has its own lore which made us appreciate the time and love that the developers put into refining the game.
What do you feel about this game? Remember to leave a comment and grab the chance of playing this game for free!